My Mrs is about to start a new job and she currently drives a 2001 polo GTi, nice car and has had a lot of work lately like driveshafts and tie rods, coilovers etc, she will be doing some local traveling and her car isn't really the car for it, it's low, on split rims, loud hidden exhaust etc so she is in need of a new car, she likes the swift sports and the new ones even by my count looks ace

It's not rheumatoid fastest car but is nippy and that's all that is needed, they have a good spec and seem cheap, they have 130 tax a year and can get 44mpg, the model were looking at is the new swift sport so I know not everyone will know issues etc but just wonderd what there like? We have never owned a Suzuki before so have no idea on service costs etc and relability.
Is there anyone with experience of these cars/brand?
Cheers peeps