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Author Topic: Looking for some new kit to clean my car with.  (Read 1215 times)

Offline andybon

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Looking for some new kit to clean my car with.
« on: December 25, 2012, 03:07:16 pm »
Getting to the point where my car cleaning kit is running low and I need to re-stock.

I currently use mostly Autoglym and Meguires stuff on it at the moment. Heres some of the stuff ive used:

Autoglym super resin polish
Autoglym bumper care
Autoglym High Definition wax
Meguires 3 stage system (Dont really rate this much at all)
Meguires endurance tyre gel
Autoglym fast glass
Autoglym car fresh
Wonderwheels (Which I dilute down to around 10parts water to 1 part wonderwheels)
Dash shine (The large aerosol type that leaves a cheap tacky finish!)

Just wandering if there is any alternatives for around the same prices. Already going for some Bilberry alloy wheel cleaner so that is sorted and sticking with the Meguires endurance tyre gel as it lasts a long time and don't need to re apply after every wash!
How hard can it be?

Offline richtung

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Re: Looking for some new kit to clean my car with.
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2012, 04:06:07 pm »
I dont proclaim to be a detailing guru but here are some bits that i use and can recomend (my additions are in bold)

Getting to the point where my car cleaning kit is running low and I need to re-stock.

I currently use mostly Autoglym and Meguires stuff on it at the moment. Heres some of the stuff ive used:

Autoglym super resin polish Carlack twins
Autoglym bumper care
Autoglym High Definition wax Collinite 476
Meguires 3 stage system (Dont really rate this much at all)
Meguires endurance tyre gel
Autoglym fast glass
Autoglym car fresh
Wonderwheels (Which I dilute down to around 10parts water to 1 part wonderwheels) Bilberry wheel cleaner (its non acidic)
Dash shine (The large aerosol type that leaves a cheap tacky finish!) Poor Boys Natural look dressing
Meguires Shampoo plus -  very good value for money

Just wandering if there is any alternatives for around the same prices. Already going for some Bilberry alloy wheel cleaner so that is sorted and sticking with the Meguires endurance tyre gel as it lasts a long time and don't need to re apply after every wash!

Hope this helps


Offline al-tdi170

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Re: Looking for some new kit to clean my car with.
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2012, 10:54:14 pm »
Getting to the point where my car cleaning kit is running low and I need to re-stock.

I currently use mostly Autoglym and Meguires stuff on it at the moment. Heres some of the stuff ive used:

Autoglym super resin polish
Autoglym bumper care
Autoglym High Definition wax
Meguires 3 stage system (Dont really rate this much at all)
Meguires endurance tyre gel
Autoglym fast glass
Autoglym car fresh
Wonderwheels (Which I dilute down to around 10parts water to 1 part wonderwheels)
Dash shine (The large aerosol type that leaves a cheap tacky finish!)

Just wandering if there is any alternatives for around the same prices. Already going for some Bilberry alloy wheel cleaner so that is sorted and sticking with the Meguires endurance tyre gel as it lasts a long time and don't need to re apply after every wash!
Ditch the super resin polish for concours car care liquidshield.(clay the car first & polish with something like zaino all in one.
Zaino z16 for tyres.
Chemical guys inner clean for interior dash & plastics. It leaves a nice oem finish- interiors should be clean and matt.
Smart wheels is good .
Wax with chemical guys 50/50, naviwax ultimate, Raceglaze 55
« Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 10:55:56 pm by al-tdi170 »