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Underwater Photography....

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--- Quote from: MC71 on December 23, 2012, 08:44:51 pm ---
^^^^  :notworthy:

I shall keep an eye out next time I'm looking in the pond!  :laugh:

--- End quote ---

....And if your wife catches you chatting up a mermaid, she'll........................................  :scared:

......... know without doubt I've finally lost it and then she would  carry on internet shopping!!  :signLOL:

Well I keeping hoping that Isla Fisher is going to grab hold of me and drag me into her world, so I'm out poolside at every opportunity when there's some sunshine. The following photos are my second session of 'underwater' photography..........

^ My favourite underwater shot so far. I discovered that my camera has an 'Underwater' setting - It seems to fix 1/30 sec and auto vary the ISO.
This shot has buckets of atmosphere and looks like an underwater forest. I was trying to capture the shafts of soft sunlight and didn't notice the Water Slater in the bottom right corner - He's out of focus but I don't think it matters. The stems are Water Lily. If you were the size of the Water Slater, a Newt would be like a 50ft long Crocodile!

^ Another atmospheric shot, this time taken the night before and using flash.

^ A Water Forget-me-not - The female Palmate Newts favour this hardy plant to lay a single egg folded into a leaf with their back legs, they can lay as many as 300 eggs!

^ The other advantage of using a camera in an Aquapac is that you can also semi submerge or just shoot across the water surface without water damage worries.

^ I quite like composing the shot to include the pond's edges. There's always a trade off in correct exposure but it adds interest and context.

^ Somehow capturing a view the Pond Snail both below the water surface and reflected in it.

^ Fully submerged to grab a shot with the benefit of a very short burst of sunlight between clouds on what was a showery day.
The Pond Snails are a very important species in their contribution to clean up natural decay and also grazing plant surfaces.

^ Pond Snail grazing more decay - Water Lily leaves sink below the water surface when their life ebbs away.
Not only do the leaves provide shelter but also help keep the water cool in Summer and consequently there is much less algae and Blanket Weed growth.

^ Shot in daylight but a mostly overcast day (Christmas Eve).

^ I think the strange little floating 'spaceship' is a plant seed of some sort.

^ A brief glimpse of sunlight and a promise of what underwater photography potential is to come in the Spring.

Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoy  :happy2:



:signLOL: - Why on earth should that ad be banned!? - it's just harmless fun  :laugh:

Damn! You have rumbled me and the real reason I bought an Aquapac submersible camera case!


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