Well, I'm new here and broadening my horizons, I may know a few on here as having been responsible for part of the whole edition 38 thing and having run what was originally a group of mates with a forum for the modified dubbet then to a show to what it is today. I left edition 38 2 years ago after being heavily involved for over 10 years! It was time to move on.

Although no longer involved with edition I am and always will be heavily addicted to anything Vw and have now had 2 mk5's, 5 mk2's a mk3 vr, corridor vr, and currently a mk1 scirocco and caddy 2k, i had a mk5 gt tdi back 6/7 years ago and currently an edition 30 which is by far my favourite golf owned to date. I am fortunate to have made som great friends thought the uk through edition and Europe and also continue these connections, so if anyone can benefit from these please hesitate to just ask. Of course I am doing something to keep my foot in with the modifying Vw thing which from the outset I will say is stillstatic. It is a sideline to my profession as an electrician but is not a business I can live off the income from.
I don't want to overstep the forum guidelines so will respect advertising rules but at the same time of course if I can help you source something you can't find this side of the water please just ask. I hope to get time to start a readers rides thread but here's a pic to wet your appetite.
Although it looks a little different now this seems to be a good starter pic.
