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Pictures of our cats!

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--- Quote from: Hedge on December 27, 2012, 03:32:46 pm ---I bloody hope not John as Tiggy is a girl.  :laugh:

--- End quote ---

 :ashamed: :signLOL:

Meet Tiger....

<a href="" title="IMG_0431 by djmhughesuk, on Flickr"><img src="" width="374" height="500" alt="IMG_0431">[/url]

Tiger1 by djmhughesuk, on Flickr

Posted this pic in the dog thread too..

Here's our Bindi in 2004, she's a stunner.

Here's our tribe recently, unfortunately our ginger tom passed away suddenly last month.

She's our old girl.. Now 16 yrs old.... "Felix"... Thought she was a boy till she had a litter of kittens at just 18 months old

Felix in love 001 by Saint steve, on Flickr

Oh and she  :love: the GTi too

Felix in love 003 by Saint steve, on Flickr

Here is Kruger, he was my ex's cat but was a cracker.....

He loved being cosy under a duvet.


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