General > Track Days

Oulton Park - 31st of July

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Get begging on here, see if someone will lend you a set of s**tters to destroy  :wink:

Top Cat:
What about your Monza's  :laugh:

I can bring me trolley jack and new torque wrench.  :signLOL:

Aye, they've no tyres on - so unless you're planning on running around like something off Police Camera Action following a stinger attack, you've bombed out!

Cheeky set of 17"s with some part worns and just wreck them FTW.


--- Quote from: tony_danza on July 28, 2009, 08:56:56 pm ---Aye, they've no tyres on - so unless you're planning on running around like something off Police Camera Action following a stinger attack, you've bombed out!

Cheeky set of 17"s with some part worns and just wreck them FTW.

--- End quote ---

17s yes but not cheap  :grin:

mat we off?


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