General > Track Days

Oulton Park - 31st of July

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Could do

Top Cat:
Does any one know if spectating is free at this track day or is there still a small gate fee.  :smiley:

Free, drive straight into the paddock too.

Really good day, car performed faultlessly with the exception of one part - the tyres. F1 assyms.

Initialy I thought I'd been picking up muck and lumps of pad on the brakes causing vibration scrubbing speed, soon realised it was the tread blocks on the tyres moving. Couldn't get the pressures right, they'd be ok, go crap and then come good again... guess I just have to accept that I can't track it on road tyres on a warm/dry day, it's just too heavy. Epic grip though, and the fact they've done 2 'Ring trips, Donnington, Curborough and Oulton along with getting me to work and back each day - you can't really argue I've not had my money's worth out of them.

Otherwise, balance was perfect. I was a bit rough with it, so probably didn't look the smoothest out there. I wanted to learn what it was like when you had it by the scruff of the neck on familiar ground. Threw it about like a maniac and it just give it right back in bucket loads, rewarding a flick of oversteer with a nice tuck of the nose and so easily controlled on the limit. Managed a Tiff style 70mph tail slide all through Druids, more by chance than talent, but the car flattered my 'save' and I'm sure it looked pretty cool.... small things amuse small minds as they say!

Brakes, didn't fade once, although they've now got gold, rather than silver calipers from the heat.
Suspension and ARBs, perfect for that track.
Geo, I could probably get the rear a bit looser now I know what I can do with it.
Power, was keeping good pace with a Carrera 2S in a few sessions. I was stripped out mind.

Oh, and that Schroth harness is worth its weight in gold. Never got uncomfortable and held me in perfectly, allowing me to feel the car a lot more.

Timed the last session and my best 1 up with bugger all fuel was a 2:10.

Nice to see TC and meet Matt, hope you had a decent day.

** await's TC's passenger report.

nice tony , shame I was working  :chicken:
what was the best psi for the tyres ?


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