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Author Topic: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March  (Read 48225 times)

Offline AndrewJB

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #150 on: June 26, 2013, 04:07:45 pm »
Do i need to do anything or am i automatically registered on this event?

i was on the last one (Andrew Barratt)
2014 Seat Leon Cupra 280 VWR Springs, VWR Intake, REVO Stage1 & Administrator

Offline mechell

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #151 on: June 26, 2013, 04:08:48 pm »
Do i need to do anything or am i automatically registered on this event?

i was on the last one (Andrew Barratt)

Nope, if you were registered on the last one - everything will apply from then :)

Offline mechell

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #152 on: July 03, 2013, 12:08:43 pm »
Please can I remind everyone that 30-130 is only 5 weeks away, but the 30-130 Registration Deadline for all drivers and passengers is Monday 22nd July .

 This to allow time for the RAF to run their security clearance checks to allow everyone access onto the airbase.

There are still some places available on both days, so if you want to drive at 30-130 this year, please book and follow these simple steps to register;
Purchase a place through the MLR Shop
This will create your registration form which you can access here: 30-130 Registration Form
Select the day you're attending and complete ALL the fields for yourself and your passengers
Click 'Submit Registration'

 Can I also remind everyone that all spectators must attend with someone booked in to drive at the event. They will also need to complete the registration details for their passengers too.

Offline mechell

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #153 on: August 07, 2013, 12:02:57 pm »
Below are all the Drivers and Passengers names in alphabetical order from the final download taken on Monday 22nd July - the day after the registration deadline and as sent to RAF Marham for security clearance.

Please note:
If your name isn't on this list please do not try to gain entry into RAF Marham as you will not be allowed in
If you've cancelled after the deadline your name may still be on the list. This doesn't mean you have to attend!

 Paul Adams
 Wasim Ahmed
 Mark Aigin
 Amy Allington
 David Allister
 parvez aslam
 Muzaffir Ayub
 Benjamin Bailey
 John Bates
 Christopher Bennett
 Mark Biggers
 Matt Blackburn
 Mark Bolton
 Daniel Braisby
 Paul Buckley
 Andrew Burton
 Paul Chapman
 Andrew Cheah
 Mark Cope
 philip corner
 Ross Dagley-Cleworth
 Steven Darley
 mohammed daud
 Anthony Davies
 karl Downey
 Emma Dunn
 Paterson Elizabeth
 Lee Elliott
 Scott Fairman
 Carl Falcon
 Lynne Falcon
 richard field
 richard field
 Lee Fisher
 Terri Floyde
 fergus frater
 angela frater
 callum frater
 Darin Frow
 Stephen Fullbrook
 Suzy Fullbrook
 Steven Gambrell
 Steven Gambrell
 John Gaskell
 Mechell Gilbert
 Mark Gillam
 David Griffiths
 Ryan Griffiths
 John Hanton
 Lynn Hanton
 Jamie Harrison
 gary hayward
 deborah hayward
 Nick Hellwing
 nicholas henley
 Diane Hodgson
 Wayne Hodgson
 Paul Hold
 Jonathan Holman
 Stacey HOPPS
 daniel hunt
 Kabir Hussain
 Mohammed Iftkhar
 Gill Ince
 Matthew Jeff
 Darren Kember
 Edward King
 Aaron King
 Haydn King
 Keely Knight
 Andrew Koronowski
 David Lambert
 Jason Lavender
 Matthew Lawson
 Mark Leach
 Benjamin Linney
 Denis Lisitsyn
 Jeffrey Ludgate
 Tony Lyon
 Samuel Lyon
 Michael Mahoney
 Paul Martin
 Simon May
 Andrew Mee
 Jonathan Merrie
 Greg Miller
 simon miskelly
 claire miskelly
 Adam Morris
 irfan musa
 Mark Myers
 Mark Newberry
 Richard O'brien
 Karl O'Donnell
 Ryan O'Shea
 Faisal Parkar
 brian parsons
 shakeel parvez
 Charles Paton
 Adam Peaco ck
 Richard Pickford
 Barry Pomfret
 Patricia Pomfret
 John Pratt
 Jamie Price
 Helen Pye
 Baljeet Rattanpal
 Liam Ready
 Marc Reynolds
 Karl Richardson
 Suzanne Roberts
 Andrew Rothwell
 George Sayers
 Ryan Scobie
 Scott Seckham
 Mohammed Shafqat
 Craig Shand
 Helen Smithson
 stuart staples
 Jonathan Stocker
 Martin Stockin
 sheryl teope
 David Thomas
 Callum Thomas
 Janine Thomas
 Hayley Thomas
 Remly Thorne
 Simon Norris
 Benjamin Towersey
 Wayne Townsend
 Kevin Turner
 Craig Turner
 Mujeeb Ur rehman
 Mohammed Usman
 Jurgen Vallons
 Ross Walker
 Lorna Walker
 Richard Wallace
 Bryony Webster
 Stephanie Wenn
 Richard Wheeler
 Mark Wild
 Neil Wilkes
 Jon Withers
 Garth Wong
 Tyler Wood
 Robert Wyper
 Kenneth York
 Terence Young
 Paul Young
 Robin Young

 Mark Howard Aigin
 Paul Apthorpe
 jason bacchus
 Richard Baker
 Andrew Barratt
 Peter Beckett
 dougal bennett
 Euan Bennett
 Russell Booth
 Damien Bradley
 Dianne Brown
 Mark Chadwick
 Ashley Chadwick
 Liam Chadwick
 daniel clark
 Jonathan Co cker
 Stephen Collier
 Scott Coubrough
 Neil Crayford
 Mark Crayford
 Harrison Crecraft
 martin curtis
 Glenn Danyluk
 Steven Darley
 Simon Deas
 Andrew Dennan
 Nick Duffill
 Henry Duncombe
 Adem Erenoglu
 Christopher Ferran
 terri floyde
 Andy Forrest
 Stuart Fourie
 aaron foxhall
 Darin Frow
 Clive Fulcher
 Steven Gentle
 david gibson
 Mechell Gilbert
 Danielle Goodmaker
 David Griffiths
 Christopher Grinstead
 Benjamin Harper
 Orhun Hassan
 Orcun Hassan
 Michael David HILL
 bradley hinchliffe
 Truong Ho
 Phong Ho
 dave hobden
 Terence Homersham
 Alexandra Homersham
 Oliver Howard
 Simon Howard
 Gary Hughes
 Christopher Humm
 John Hurditch
 Kevin alan Hurst
 Gill ince
 Ayyaz Iqbal
 Megan Jane
 Robert Jennings
 Christopher Juggins
 Phillip Keall
 Greg Kelly
 Shannon Kelly
 Paul Kenney
 Adam Khan
 Sarah-Louise Khan
 david koulakis
 Dean Kunzi
 Luke Lavender
 Elwyn Lewis
 Mathew Loane
 Howard Lucas JR
 Rachel Macdonald
 David Mahoney
 Ryszard Majchrzakowski
 Ian Mann
 Richard Marot
 Edward Marriott
 Paul Martin
 Lisa Mason
 Julie McAdam
 Jason McGhie
 Cameron Mckinlay
 Jonathan Merrie
 chris minshull
 simon miskelly
 claire miskelly
 Jonathan Moate
 John Morgan
 Ian Mould
 Jahanzaib Nasim
 damian nelson
 Simon Newborn
 John ng
 Justin NIMMO
 Steven Nixon
 Sue Nixon
 chris nobel
 Simon North
 Gary O'Keeffe
 Agnieszka Olejnik
 Sonia Orridge
 Ozdemir Ozerman
 Shaun Partridge
 Matthew Pearman
 Graeme Penman
 Wayne Philip
 Jody Press
 Christopher Pryce
 helen pye
 Christopher Raffety
 akif rafiq
 alizey rafiq
 Ian Rainford
 Gabor Rakovszki
 David Read
 Liam Ready
 Matthew Rhode
 Imran Riaz
 Clifton Richardson
 Ashley Richardson
 Richard Richardson
 Ashley Richardson
 Alan Rudd
 Peter Ryan
 Ben Ryan
 Letisha Samuels
 Andrew Senior
 Daniel Sewell
 Matthew Shaw
 Sharon Shaw
 William Shaw
 Mark Sheldrick
 richard sims
 Andrew Skinner
 noel sosso
 Oliver Stokes
 Matthew Strong
 Nicholas Taylor
 Nigel Thorne
 Maria Thorne
 David Titterington
 wayne townsend
 Jurgen Tulkens
 Jonathan Turner
 Ucar Ucur
 Tien Vu
 Frederick Walton
 Darren Watson
 Robert Welsh
 Paul Whippy
 benjamin wilde
 Richard Wilson
 Darren Wise
 Ho Yin Wong
 Mohammed Yasin
 Servihan Yusufucur


Offline Sunglasses Ron

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #154 on: August 07, 2013, 06:50:45 pm »
Hi Darin,

Do we have a list of runners and riders for the Sunday please? The last one has become rather obsolete now..

Offline DanGB

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #155 on: August 08, 2013, 11:27:12 am »
So who will be there on sunday?
I should be there  if car is all good.   :happy2:
Seat Leon Mk2 TFSI sport 4WD sleeper - Breaking
Buld thread:,45377.0.html

Offline Hurdy

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #156 on: August 10, 2013, 09:05:33 am »
So who will be there on sunday?
I should be there  if car is all good.   :happy2:

Here's the list of registered cars and peeps Dan. :happy2:

I'll be there with Steve and Craig from Statller.

Golf R gone.

Offline Hurdy

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Golf R gone.

Offline chungster

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #158 on: August 10, 2013, 05:40:17 pm »
4.36 / 239 mph! That's what 1500bhp in a GTR gets you!

Looking forward to see if the 2013 TOTB champ Andy F can beat that tomorrow in his scooby.

His winning runs at TOTB

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #159 on: August 10, 2013, 07:24:20 pm »
DanGBs Leon v statllers Ed30 should be interesting.  Both running 450-480Hp ish, Both running flowed cylinder heads, both running stage 3 setups albeit different turbo setups.  Whats the weight difference between the two?  I presume the Haldex has added a fair few kg to the leon.

Shame the APR Golf R wont be there.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 07:26:27 pm by Janner_Sy »

Offline Hurdy

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #160 on: August 10, 2013, 07:37:04 pm »
DanGBs Leon v statllers Ed30 should be interesting.  Both running 450-480Hp ish, Both running flowed cylinder heads, both running stage 3 setups albeit different turbo setups.  Whats the weight difference between the two?  I presume the Haldex has added a fair few kg to the leon.

Shame the APR Golf R wont be there.

The 4wd tranny adds just over 100kg, so i'd say the Leon is 100kg heavier.

Steve will struggle to put all that power down efficiently through 2 wheels though, so like you say, it should be interesting.

I'll be happy to do a 16.XX time as the fastest stage 2+ 4WD so far did a 17.8.

Over 160mph would be nice too, so they are my unofficial targets. :driver:
Golf R gone.

Offline Janner_Sy

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #161 on: August 10, 2013, 07:45:31 pm »
Not sure if JC or Povs TTRS's will be there.  They're engines weren't fitted last week when i collected my car might be sorted though.

Offline Hurdy

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #162 on: August 11, 2013, 04:37:55 am »
Not sure if JC or Povs TTRS's will be there.  They're engines weren't fitted last week when i collected my car might be sorted though.

How long have those two been without their cars now?

I don't mean to be funny but APR must have had their cars longer than they have!

I've never known a company keep owners cars for development for sooooo long. It was the same with yours too Sy.

Golf R gone.

Offline s3dubbin

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #163 on: August 11, 2013, 08:54:46 am »
Looking forward to this. Will be keeping an eye on the results coming in. Come on AFP! Good luck.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 08:56:45 am by s3dubbin »

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Re: 30-130 day at RAF Marham 24th March
« Reply #164 on: August 11, 2013, 09:33:17 am »
Not sure if JC or Povs TTRS's will be there.  They're engines weren't fitted last week when i collected my car might be sorted though.

How long have those two been without their cars now?

I don't mean to be funny but APR must have had their cars longer than they have!

I've never known a company keep owners cars for development for sooooo long. It was the same with yours too Sy.

That will be because they are always broken. APR - Automotive Paramedic Required.  :laugh: