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Author Topic: Cantre console removal  (Read 595 times)

Offline nathangallo

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Cantre console removal
« on: December 29, 2012, 01:08:47 pm »
I have some 3m piano black wrap coming on monday and im going to wrap the centre console just need to ask some questions  :smiley:

Ive heard if you remove the airbag and hazard switches i will get error codes, is there anyway of stopping this as i am going to be using the car potentially with the centre console still of.

I have removed it all before when installing my rcd510 but how do i remove the vents from the housing.

Lastly is there any chance of removing the 'dull plastic' which is around my rcd510 so i can also wrap this?

Many thanks  :happy2:

Offline JoeDarKa

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Re: Cantre console removal
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2012, 01:41:43 pm »
Removing the vents from the main body is quite hard. On mine, i pulled up and forwards from the back of the full unit. Broke a few clips but still strong. Which part of the stereo?

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Offline brookesb32

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Re: Cantre console removal
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2012, 02:21:48 pm »
When removing the vents from the top part you just have to take time and be patient. There are 4 clips along the top edge and some on the sides so just lever these up and wiggle the vent pets whilst you it to separate.

As for the hazard and airbag light - so long as you don't turn the ignition on with them unplugged you will be fine

Slightly shameless side note - but i have a spare top section which I am selling on eBay at the moment if you want one to wrap without taking the other one out? Could do it for £12 delivered frost class for a fellow member on here rather than the eBay.  :happy2:

[ebay]160934066594[/ebay] if interested :)

Not totally sure on the RCD but I don't imagine it would come apart
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Offline nathangallo

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Re: Cantre console removal
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2012, 04:00:20 pm »
Thanks for the help :)

I doubt the rcd will come apart  :sad1:

I have the top vent so i would like to keep that  :wink:
Ill just have to do it all in one day :)

Does anyone know if there is a 'How to' video to help me understand how the vents come apart.

For peace of mine would it be better if i remove the earth on my battery ?

Offline brookesb32

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Re: Cantre console removal
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2012, 08:34:08 pm »
No worries.

It's pretty self explanatory once you get the top part and vent out together, just carefully unclip and pull apart. Don't worry if the slats come out (as whole parts) as they just slot into the main body of the vent part  :happy2:
VCDS cable HEX-USB+CAN. New but can do the basics including coding