General > Photography Section

Goodwood Festival of Speed '09 pics - Friday NSF56k

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I hope you enjoy some of them.

My god it was a long day and I only live an hour away (well 2 coming home  :sad1:)

Hopefully Greenouse won't see these before he goes tomorrow. :smiley:

Poppa Dom:
Great shots - looks like you have had a great day, very jealous. Interesting suspension set up on the scooby.

Top Cat:

--- Quote from: Hedge on July 03, 2009, 11:16:32 pm ---

--- End quote ---

Love these 2 shots hedge looks like a great day as well wish i was there.  :smiley:

OH HELL YEAH  :party:

shame he stacked it, some excellent shots mate, well timed on the red arrows too

will have to make the pilgrimage one day


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