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Goodwood Festival of Speed '09 pics - Friday NSF56k

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haha! barsteward!


--- Quote from: Hedge on July 06, 2009, 11:32:29 pm ---I forgot this little one which I thought was quite good.

--- End quote ---


That's the same colour as the tin-top one I got a passenger ride in a couple of years ago now....  8)

@ Hedge : amazing pics  :happy2:  thanks
@ Greenouse : maybe a bit too much power for you ? stick to cars  :chicken:

gutted I was away in Spain during this , but its a top notch event , and ill be there too next year  :grouphug:


Methinks that quite a few of us will be arranging to meet up there next year.

Friday would be a good day as in general it is quieter than the other days, however the Sunday Times does offer free tickets and it is generally described as a 'practice day'.

I for one always pay for a Grandstand seat as it means I can sit down somewhere.
It also means that I have a good platform for some of my pictures.

I'm up for it. :happy2:


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