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Goodwood Festival of Speed '09 pics - Friday NSF56k

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I saw your car waiting to cross the track a couple of times throughout the weekend between the grandstands halfway up the straight, were you sat in it then?, noticed a couple of people both times and wondered if you were one of them

I was only in the passenger seat Sunday morning (and I drove it from FOS-tech pavillion to the track crossing 4 at like 0700 on Friday morning). Otherwise could've been a number of people who were in there. Otherwise I was standing outside the FOS-tech thing throughout the event.

ah, probably not you then, we didn't get to the track before 11 on all 3 days,  :drinking: the night before :smiley:

On ITV 2 Tuesday 14th July 8:00pm. Set your recorders. :happy2:


--- Quote from: Hedge on July 10, 2009, 09:07:36 pm ---On ITV 2 Tuesday 14th July 8:00pm. Set your recorders. :happy2:

--- End quote ---

Nice one big fella   :happy2: Done!


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