Ohhhhhhh, it was (and still is) a very long day, but worth it for the runs on the Pod and to see what she does now.
My previous best was a 13.602 in February when the weather was very good (freezing!) for us turbo car runners.
I'll agree with 3 out of the 5 for me out of Steve's list

Since last time I've had the DSG map done along with the EVOM's inatake and the change to REVO from Custom Code.
I'm at work at the moment, so I'll get the slip up tomorrow, but my best on the day was a 13.45 with a 107.? terminal speed and a 60' of 2.39. Not bad, but there is still more in there with a better launch, cooler weather and no head wind

Looks like I need some track rubber to help me off the line