But you have had yours adjusted for the best all round road/track settings which is essentially what a KW V1 would be set at. So having a set of KW V3s that dont get adjusted begs the question that wouldnt you have been better off with the KW V1 instead?
....Quite possibly KW-V1 would have done, but I had the opportunity for a good deal from VWR and at least with the V3's I always have the option. Without VWR I probably would have bought Bilstein.
I don't alter mine because it works well for me all round so I don't feel the need to 'mend' it.
Bottom line is that well proven brands of coilovers are the wiser choice if you feel the need for coilovers at all.

As usual, it's a choice between Show or Go but as you, Sy, very wisely advise, don't ruin a good car like the Mk5 GTI. Too many folks think that just by lowering a car they have achieved better handling.