heres my ics from yesterday, weather was crap and the car is filthy im ashamed to say! i wanted to catch som duck shots with some long exposures using a next doors garden light but i was dragged to the pub instead ;) haha so just to show you guys how low she is...
as for the dsg i wanted to get mine remapped to get the benefit from dsg then awesome told me it comes as standard with all gti's all you do is put it in s-mode turn off esp put your foot on the brake then floor it... it will rev to 3k then you left off the brake.. there is like half a second pause then all hell brakes loose!!
![driver :driver:](
as for driving with the dsg... i very it a lot... most d for just driving round but s mode if i want to be a bit nippy as im sure it allows more torque, faster gear shifts and higher rev limit i cant really tell as my dump valve was broke when i bought it but now s- mode is just too much fun especially after watching the f1 on a sunday morning then going out feeling like vettle with my paddles haha
there she is, sorry about crappy pics :(