I had my Cobra Parkmaster kit supplied, painted and fitted by Autoroofs in Leicester. Not too far from W Mids/Warks areas and cost me (IIRC) £170 +VAT

IMG_0872 by jonnyguitar, on Flickr
Looks very neat

Do you have the parking sensor on off button by the gear stick/ashtray too or is that only with OEM install?
Satnav systems in surbiton will fit you parking sensors, but they seemed expensive ££££££££££££ to me. They quoted me £999 for front and rear optical parking sensors.
Glad I did'nt go ahead as I have now changed my car.
God that seems excessive!
Interested in optical sensors but the kit alone seems to cost £300 on eBay, or has anyone seen better prices? Rear is key, front would be nice.
I'm assuming I could get OPS installed now and add the RNS 510 later, or is the audio warning from the OPS also via the RNS? I'd have hoped the audio would work with the radio off etc?
Sorry to jump on this thread. I've got dealer fitted optical sensors. They are very quiet when reversing. Does anyone know if the volume can be increased or where they will have fitted the speaker(s)?
NADS1_UK can you help with ths?