My Dad retired at 50 from the Bank (Area Director) earned his money throughout his life in various roles before moving into senior management and put the majority of it into property and company share saves, he sold all his shares before it went boobies up and the properties they bought over the years are worth between 3-7 times what they paid for them (Even now with the "property slump"), he is now 62 and works part time with me and my mother Altho I don't think he wants to really (mother is a strong willed woman!)

Cannot ever see that I will get anywhere near their worth and I think that goes for the majority of our generation

My brother works as an underwriter for a large finance/lease company and tells me about all the deals that come and go for cars, he also told me about the Merc C Class at £299pm and is encouraging me to lease a car once the ED30 has gone rather than buy a 2 year old BMW (which was my plan), will make some decisions once it's sold as I dont need a car until April tbh.