General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Subscription service/ premium members

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Just a thought, but could you not do some sort of subscription service? Say £10 for the year? This would then allow you to become a ‘premium’ member or something along those lines without alienating others.

This gives you small things like a calendar, sticker, and member card to get discounts at places etc?

Gives a chance to generate income for the forum without opening it up to advertisers etc? I know it might be a logistical nightmare sorting out a subscription kit and all that but it may work well on this forum because I'm sure everyone would sign up.

Just a thought, Luke

Thanks for the suggestion  :happy2:

It is something we have considered but at this stage don't want to go down this route as it can create a "them and us" type environment which leads to more arguments etc.

Plus like you said the logistics of subscriptions would be a nightmare.

The current funding model is working quiet well as we have been able to pay up front the site running costs for the next 12 months and purchase the forum banner.

Top Cat:
And some springs, fuel pump, revo stage 6 oh and a holiday to Germany.   :innocent:  :wink:

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Poppa Dom:
Hehehehe - should we all be asking to see the accounts lol... All I want to say is a really big thanks to the mod's that give so freely of their time to run the forum, I think they are sometimes forgotten.



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