General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
Subscription service/ premium members
yeah stay away from google ads please
one well known "scooby" forum is now full of it as it was sold to a commercial enterprise.
hate it.
which reminds me, i need to donate some money to this site! :happy2:
--- Quote from: DomT on July 05, 2009, 10:19:33 pm ---Hehehehe - should we all be asking to see the accounts lol... All I want to say is a really big thanks to the mod's that give so freely of their time to run the forum, I think they are sometimes forgotten.
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Here here! :wink: :signLOL:
--- Quote from: Top Cat on July 05, 2009, 10:06:55 pm ---And some springs, fuel pump, revo stage 6 oh and a holiday to Germany. :innocent: :wink:
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:grin: :grin:
^^^ The forum is about to get it's own not for profit/club bank account so full accounts will be made available :P
--- Quote from: SteveP on July 08, 2009, 08:56:40 pm ---^^^ The forum is about to get it's own not for profit/club bank account so full accounts will be made available :P
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Thos does protest to much! :P
Mate if I could trust anyone with my money it would be Mr Cash Register himself! :grin:
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