General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
Subscription service/ premium members
Mr Cash Register :grin: :grin: :grin:
--- Quote from: WhiteGTI on July 06, 2009, 09:33:05 pm ---
--- Quote from: Very Cherry on July 06, 2009, 08:46:38 pm ---Perfect ethos :drinking:
--- End quote ---
--- End quote ---
I've seen a few forums do this "Subscription" thing and it can sometimes be a real killer. I think it depends on making sure the subscription seems "reasnoble value".
gaz b:
Love the site the way it is, just evolving naturally! Easily the best forum I have been on. :congrats:
Keep up the good work guys! :pomppomp:
This forum has by far and away the best ethos to it. Sponsorship on other forums has just been a breeding ground for inter-company slating and back biting. Just look at the golfmkv forum in-fighting that goes on!!
Advertising can be a good method of generating money for a forum, but again I believe it would ruin the overall enjoyment and feeling of the site as being a close knit community of like-minded enthusiasts that it is at the moment.
Keep up the good work fella's :grouphug:
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