Hi Guys
Thanks for the slate!!!
The pics on my Fb site are for purely for me and my friends - im not 'boasting' about anything! Ive been playing around with VAGs for years but i obviously dont take it as seriously as you guys!!! GET A LIFE! For some one to stalk my facebook - copy extracts from it then chat about it on here is very wierd!? Dont you think?
The figures run are the best to my knowledge, the 176mph top end was recored on my road angle and the weight of the car was done on a friends weight bridge at his lorry depot! I dont care what web sites say - that is the accurate weight of an Edition 30.
The car was running Hankook full race slicks!
Any more questions?????????????????????????????
Yes my edition 30 is now toast due to a hub failure - so on a serious note- anyone who has a car with more that 40k on the clocks - i would replace your hubs asap! They will fail as one of mine did!
And yes i do now have an elise with an edition 30 engine running stage 2+ spec and a new S3 also running stage 2+ spec.
So if any of you guys would like to see a sub 10 sec quater mile please let me know when your next geek meet up is and i will gladly show you!
Thanks for the info regarding the hubs, i appreciate it!
Any photos of the Elise? I, too, am an Elise owner, and have contemplated putting an ED30 engine it for ages, however am i right in saying that there are a few compatibility formalities regarding emerald ecu management and the Elise?? That's just what I've gathered along the grape vine, please correct me if I'm wrong.......