But as the interviewer said, had any of the people actually spoke to the drivers?
....There was a scene when they were leaving after a residents' meeting about their problem, when one of them (Justin?) asked the others if anyone had spoken to the drivers. The answer was no!

And I reckon the reason they didn't is that either they felt that these 'foreign invaders' of Knightsbridge were beneath them (even though some may have had far far higher status in their own society) or because they were frightened of them - They might get kidnapped and whisked away to a tent in the desert

It's all a bit like the locals in Cornwall (and in my neck of the woods too): The 'Grockles' (tourists) are very unpopular on one hand because they crowd the towns and clog up the roads with their caravans, but they spend money locally and therefore help local businesses and the local economy.
Someone in another thread suggested that all rich foreigners should have to pay 90% tax etc etc - If the UK passed such draconian regulations London would die as a major international centre with all its wonderful vibrance and become just a large sprawling provincial city.