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Passenger door wont open?

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--- Quote from: marko on February 05, 2013, 08:15:59 pm ---thanks mate...
any link to where i can get a new lock??
or just stick with the stealers..

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The first time round I went to the dealers and the they are quite expensive. Second time took a gamble on eBay for 30 quid and it's been fine. Depends how flush you're feeling.

--- Quote from: Frodo-anni on February 05, 2013, 11:26:33 pm ---Having the same issue withe girlfriends Leon at the moment, passenger rear door, rarely gets used, but does occasionally work.

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--- Quote from: Frodo-anni on February 05, 2013, 11:26:33 pm ---
I would get it sorted asap. Will cause you lots of swearing and headaches if it locks shut and stays shut. Ask Stealthwolf.
Having the same issue withe girlfriends Leon at the moment, passenger rear door, rarely gets used, but does occasionally work.

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--- Quote from: Luka on January 06, 2013, 05:19:22 pm ---Try this; unlock the doors ensuring the passenger side did unlock. Now push the 'thumb' part of the outside door handle (the part which may have the key barrel in) and push hard into the door until it clicks. If it does click, your door should open. You can then go ahead and get the necessary mechanism inspected/repaired.

Hope it works!

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Thanks so much, I found this post today and it worked for me. It took me a while to figure out why this worked though. My problem was my own making, rather than an electrical issue. I had recently removed the door skin to replace the window glass and regulator. It seems that when I reassembled the cable into the handle I had stretched it too far so that it was at its maximum reach. Once I had the door open I unclipped it and slotted it back in half way along instead of at full reach and the door now unlocks and can be opened with the handle again. Adding this comment here in case anyone hits the same problem as me when reassembling their door.

You sir are a ledgend I was worried all night I had terminal door lol issues after replacing my window regulator but in fact I had done the same thing and pulled the wire for the door too far adjusted it back to half way and door opens fine.


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