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Author Topic: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?  (Read 11652 times)

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2013, 09:35:09 pm »

I've just eaten my dinner so if I see another mangled Penis this week I will not be happy!

....I think that this week's episode is more about what happens when penis waving gets mixed up with too much alcohol rather than mangling penis's or smashing penis's into females. Should that be spelt "penii"?

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #31 on: January 14, 2013, 09:53:20 pm »
Shagos...Monday night entertainment. :signLOL:
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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2013, 09:55:26 pm »
One of the lady's where I work used to be a Club 18-30 rep in Kavos.

Apparently it's worse than on TV.  :surprised:

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2013, 11:06:56 pm »

One of the lady's where I work used to be a Club 18-30 rep in Kavos.

Apparently it's worse than on TV.  :surprised:

....I'm finding it difficult to imagine how it could be any worse. 

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2013, 11:07:37 pm »
One of the lady's where I work used to be a Club 18-30 rep in Kavos.

Apparently it's worse than on TV.  :surprised:

Me and the Ex stayed in Corfu Town in 97 and we loved it. We drove to Kavos one night, and even though we were both regular clubbers we didn't stay long.

The first 1hr of the night we saw at least 5 couples shagging in the street. Girls laid on the road at the kerb side, covered in their own pee and vomit.  :sick:

We enjoyed Corfu Town. Got to know a few local bar men and women that told us some real stories about Kavos.

So many Brits giving the locals real hassle. Little do they know what fun the locals have with the idiots that go too far.  :innocent:

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #35 on: January 14, 2013, 11:24:15 pm »
Yes, being half-Greek (some of my ancestors came from Corfu and then Venice before that) I have an insight into how typical Greeks think and I've been surprised not to see more in the TV prog about how the Greeks get their own back.

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #36 on: January 15, 2013, 09:16:30 am »
Interestingly, you don't get the same behaviour with people on Ecstacy.

In Amnesia, Space and Pacha in the late eighties and nineties, people danced all night, replaced fighting in the street with hugging and kissing, didn't piss themselves in the street, rarely vomitted over themselves, didn't force broken glass into each other's faces, caused little problems for the locals and A&E department, and certainly didn't drink theirs or anyone elses pee!

Yet alcohol is the legal drug!!! It amazes me that we in Britain have socialised this level of alcohol abuse into being acceptable amongst the young. You just don't see Dutch, Spanish and German youngsters behaving to such extremes in such numbers. Their drinking culture is vastly different, and looks a lot more enjoyable! When used like this, alcohol is a disgusting drug, and I'm glad I don't touch it these days.

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #37 on: January 15, 2013, 10:09:03 am »
Being 65yo I missed out on the Ecstasy generation but grew up on the cannabis etc. I have the same opinion/attitude towards alcohol as you do, Ian.

The first time I got drunk I fell into some rose bushes - Ouch! I got 'merry' but never drunk again and really due to training for amateur cycle racing I always drunk very carefully. My tastes were for spirits - Jack Daniels and brandies being my favourites and I never liked the tastes of beers or wines. Did Tequila and LSD in Southern Spain with a Californian hippy girl who had a VW Camper, cocaine a few times which was great but the good stuff was expensive and the bad stuff too risky and after I completely freaked out a girl I knew by climbing in through her bedroom window and accidentally breaking it I decided no more coke. I preferred the mellow effects of smoking cannabis but never home-grown which was awful. An evening in with friends, sipping brandy and smoking a few joints was purrfect. I had a South American girlfriend for a while in those days and she continued sending me Columbian grass when she went home - She was very cute and part me of wishes we could have stayed together but I wouldn't be here now. Policing was different in those days - I even bought a bag of grass once from a corrupt Policeman. Driving when stoned was hysterical - I once got stopped by the Police in London and asked how fast did I think I was going - I was convinced I had been speeding but was stopped for driving too slowly!

Then, when my 4yo son died some Native American friends invited me to join their Sun Dance going on for 4 days as a way towards healing. Naturally they asked if I was free of any drugs and I was honest and said no. So they told me that if I stayed 'clean' of all drugs and alcohol for a year I would be invited to join them another time. After a year of total abstinence I saw no point whatsoever in going back to taking any recreational substances or alcohol and now it's been 14 years and over 20 years since I did anything heavier.

I'm not sure if I would have taken Ecstasy but I used to have the right connections for very high quality gear so who knows. For driving I so much prefer that I'm totally clean and can enjoy being so focussed. I know I would still enjoy the tastes though.

My drug now is my GTI.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling on in my sober stupor - The bottom line is that any substance, including food, is very bad when consumed in excess.

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #38 on: January 15, 2013, 11:31:05 am »
Zee Germans are complete animals at the Oktoberfest. Rollercoasters and beer is always going to be a bad combination.

Whether or not they are as bad as the folks in Kavos I don't know but it shocked me a bit especially when some charming chap staggered out a tent in front of me dropped his strides and pissed rusty brown water out his arse. All this on the opening weekend FTW!

I think this kind of extreme behaviour has always existed but in Kavos it gets concentrated into a small place and a short period of time.  :sick:

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #39 on: January 15, 2013, 11:49:17 am »
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ following on from Robin

I was a child of the Acid House movement, and I have to say it was the best period of my life until now. I am currently happier than I've ever been, and it's no coincidence that I am completely clean and sober.

That period of my life was incredible, I went to clubs like Shoom, Crazy Club, The Milk Bar, Love Ranch, Kinky Disco, Boy's  Own & Flying. I saw members of West Ham's notorious ICF loved up on Ecstacy and hugging and dancing with Chelsea and Millwall boys. 2 years previously these people would have been knifing, glassing and even shooting each other. The feeling of being on clean, pure ecstacy is one of complete love for everyone you come across, and any touch sensations sent rushes through your body making you feel like you were having a multiple orgasm! In the summer of 1991 I became involved with a group who organised illegal outdoor raves. We'd go out into the Southern countryside and find a suitable venue miles away from anyone, and then go to Abracadabra in Whitton near Twickenham and rent a sound system. It was hilarious as we filled a Transit and our XR2's, metro's, 205 GTi's and various bangers with equipment. Flyers were handed out in the Hand & Spear, Weybridge, and my friend Brett would lead a convoy in his Yellow Datsun Sunny 'coupe' to the 'secret' venue!

We did 15 parties that year, got arrested three times, but the Police always used to say we were a refreshing group as none of us were drunk, fighting, or committing crimes. All we did was hold a free party for like-minded souls in the beautiful English countryside. I'll never forget a 50-something copper dancing to Rythym is Rythym, 'Strings of Life', and commenting on what a brilliant track it was!!! We took a bucket round asking for donations to help us cover the cost of hire and petrol for the generator, and it usually paid for our night as well. Some highlights were the party on Climping Beach when the Coastgaurd asked us to  turn off the laser because it was interfering with the shipping! The police got heavy at 2 or 3 do's, we made the mistake 1 time of going back to Horsley Woods a second time, and the  Surrey Riot Police surrounded us and did a proper crowd clearance at 4am, which was quite frightening! We also made the mistake of doing one on Forestry Commission land near Yateley, which resulted in me and 3 others in Aldershot Magistrates Court and a 1400 pound fine, but other than that it was a fantastic summer that I'll never forget.

Nonetheless, as far as alcohol is concerned, it's never really worked for me. I don't like the way I behave on it, and I hate the loss of control. I am proud of the self-honesty I have in acknowledging this, and the decision I made to remove it from my life. My life is wonderful without it, and I am much better equipped to deal with life's problems  and enjoy life's joys in it's absence.

We are all druggies in some way! I studied addiction in some depth at Uni when I read psychology in the Noughties. The dopaminergic reward pathways in the brain are responsible for the 'high' we experience when triggered by cues relating to the things we like, whether it's food, driving, drugs, drinking, gambling, sex, whatever. We see something that reminds of our personal fix, and we experience a dopamine hit. Then when we actually have that fix we get another 'hit'! With Cocaine, if we didn't have Dopamine, it would be as effective as snorting flour! (Why this is the case is fascinating!)

Anyway, I get everything I need in terms of excitement nowadays from cricket, driving, this forum and the whole VAG thing, sex, eating delicious food and enjoying the wonderful British countryside.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 11:51:36 am by Mk5 GTian »

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #40 on: January 15, 2013, 01:44:53 pm »
^^^^ well said Ian!  :happy2: (think we might have gone to some of those raves  :wink:) in the days before the Internet, waiting by a pay phone for a call)

 I've been alcohol free for 11 years now and it never bothers me. You always get the odd person who cant believe you don't drink and that there must be something wrong with you.  :stupid: At my eldest daughters wedding, she even made sure i had sparkling fruit juice for the toast.  :love:

 I also gave up smoking 6 years ago after my mum passed away from that shi*ty disease cancer, having never smoked a day in her life. The smoking is harder to quit, I loved smoking and would enjoy it today just as much but will power and the thought of my mum stop me, that and the fact that I walked into the VW dealer a year ago on Wednesday and handed over £11,995 for my Eddy in cash from the money I saved from not smoking.  :laugh:

 I loved my "Kavos years" and wouldn't change a thing. I felt i needed to go through it and lokking back i am so glad i did. Passing out, being a tit, getting so drunk you wake up on a beech at 2pm with 3rd degree sunburn is that is how it should be. We were never knowingly rude to the locals of the towns or the hotel staff and never ended up in fights and i never went for the "shag fest" that has since become so common (mainly due the fact that I was already married at that age and my wife was with us!).

 I met my wife on a pissed up night out in a seedy club in Brighton (you know he type, the toilets are lit by some weird ultraviolet blue lighting so you can see the cocaine users, nice) 20+ years ago and we are still both the same peeps we were then, just older and hopefully a little wiser. The hard thing is to let your own kids make those same mistakes but still letting them make those mistakes anyway.


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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #41 on: January 15, 2013, 02:20:25 pm »
I fully intend to introduce my children to alcohol at a young age. The only think wrong with it, in the UK, is lack of education.

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #42 on: January 15, 2013, 02:23:26 pm »


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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #43 on: January 15, 2013, 02:25:20 pm »
Have you been snooping on my Mac?

Seriously though, I don't think it being seen as this forbidden substance, some taboo that you can't touch until you are 18 helps.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 02:32:26 pm by andrewparker »

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Re: Anyone else watching What Happens in Kavos....?
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2013, 02:36:34 pm »
Your spot on.  :happy2:

 IMO alcohol is not a bad thing which should be avoided at all costs. My wife still drinks as do both our girls (they are in their 20's BTW), its just me that's dry. Our girls would nick a swig of my beer a sip of the misses wine at a very young age and were bought up to understand its an adult drink but in their teens and  at family "get together's" they would be allowed a glass of wine or a bottle of some kind of alco pop. I would much rather they had there first experiences of alcohol at home instead of with "friends" in a park and a 2ltr bottle of cider and a bottle of vodka. God only knows where that would have ended.......probably in Kavos!!

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