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Author Topic: Middle lane motorway drivers!!  (Read 9058 times)

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #30 on: January 08, 2013, 11:42:44 pm »
Usually women... or non natives.....  :innocent:

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2013, 12:54:55 am »
I too find middle lane hoggers to be frustrating and perhaps the righthand lane hoggers on 2-lane dual carriageways to be even worse. I always like to keep a safe braking distance from the car in front but sometimes you just have to rush up on them to get them to change lane to let you pass. Having DRL's definitely helps in being seen.

Another tactic I use is to straddle the lanes so that they think I might consider undertaking them. It also seems to attract their attention more easily because they probably see my lefthand DRL in their passenger side wing mirror. I don't know why it works but it does. You have to be careful flashing someone because it can have the opposite effect. If someone sees me approaching and moves over for me I usually wave acknowledgement.

I also lift off the throttle to let someone out if they are fast approaching a slower vehicle in front of them rather than cause them to brake hard or worse, suddenly pull out into my lane. Most are grateful and acknowledge me and then they move over to let me past after their overtake. I nearly always accelerate hard past them if the road ahead is clear.

I think that most middle lane hoggers are totally ignorant of what they are doing - They simply don't understand. You occsionally see the overhead lit message signs about lane discipline but not often enough. There ought to be a full-on national campaign to make drivers aware.

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Offline MightyMullet

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2013, 08:32:08 am »
Luckily i very rarely use motorways as the nearest one is well over 100miles away from me but people here do it on dual carraige ways and have the usual attitude of 'im doing 70 and so should you' which gives me the rage big time, its so frustrating because there is nothing you can do. Theres one bit of dual carraige way in particular and people postion themselves for the roundabout as the join the road previous, 2 miles away from said roundabout  :fighting: WTF is that all about, like that lane isnt going to be there in 1.75miles time!

Also i did pass plus so i understand how the motorway works and other roads, its not like its complicated at all (i seriously worry about some peoples cognitive capacity) but doing it just to get a license would be mental, i would have to drive 2 and a half hours now to get to the nearest motorway, a learner is going to easily add another hour on to this time, at £30 an hour it would cost someone £210 just to get the motorway and back without learning and 80% (if not more) of people won't ever leave Cornwall (i know a lot that dont leave their town/village)

Rant over  :signLOL:

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2013, 09:58:04 am »
Yup one of my pet hates, think it only needs for everyone doing it to be prosecuted and slapped with 4-6 points and a £200-500 fine and they wont do it again.

It should be COMPULSORY on the test to have at least 3-4 hours training on motorways, no training = no motorways

I remember when I was learning to drive (1991) my father had my instructor take me on the motorway 3 times before I was allowed to go on them in his car  :happy2:
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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2013, 01:06:35 pm »
^^^I did something similar. Once I got comfortable with handling my first car, I got back in touch with my old driving instructor and we did motorways and other advanced motoring type stuff. Even then, when I did go on the motorways, I had my father with me for the first few times. Reasonably confident enough to do it after that and not had any issues to date.

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Re: Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2013, 01:20:59 pm »
Another problem is inabilty to merge, nothing worse than someone pulling straight in front of you doing 55mph when you are at 70mph and expect you to brake hard. They seem to think you indicate and then just pull out into traffic.

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Offline Stanipkiss

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2013, 06:18:41 pm »
One thing that makes things worse RAIN!!
My drive home this evening was the worst for weeks just because it was drizzling.
Most drivers want to just sit in the middle lane coz then they have a cushion of either a lane or a car beside them before they hit the ditch or central barrier.

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #37 on: January 10, 2013, 06:39:38 pm »
Totally agree with the sentiment on this, there should be mounted camera system on police cars that can send out fines for this

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2013, 10:25:38 pm »

Totally agree with the sentiment on this, there should be mounted camera system on police cars that can send out fines for this

....Some Police cars already have onboard cameras so it wouold be just a matter of logging in the info.

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #39 on: January 11, 2013, 10:43:19 am »
Driving back from Reading last night and the amount of PLEBS sat i the middle lane on M4/M5 was ridiculous, nothing in inside lane every time (unless they were overtaking the car in front which was still 2.5 miles ahead)  :fighting:
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Offline RedRobin

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #40 on: January 11, 2013, 10:56:30 am »

Driving back from Reading last night and the amount of PLEBS sat i the middle lane on M4/M5 was ridiculous, nothing in inside lane every time (unless they were overtaking the car in front which was still 2.5 miles ahead)  :fighting:

....Feckin' PLEBS, eh? - Bomb the barstewardss!!  :fighting:

Is "plebs" supposed to be a politically incorrect term now? Perhaps even considered as offensive language? - Ridiculous if it is! I think the word comes from the Latin but my schoolboy Latin is a bit rusty after 50 years. I was taught by a WW1 cavalry Major with whistling false teeth and who was called Major Mash*ter! How ridiculous was that 'Plebgate' affair - Such a waste of everything on all levels and a perfect example of the media gone mad.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 10:58:14 am by RedRobin »

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Offline andrewparker

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #41 on: January 11, 2013, 12:27:39 pm »
Yeah, plebeian is a Latin word. It was always used to describe the lower or middle classes, another way of saying someone is a commoner. However you dress it up it's hardly a compliment.

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2013, 02:58:41 pm »
Well, I'd rather just think of some middle-lane hogger as a stupid pleb than feel road rage over it.

Anyway, if you went to certain public schools, you were taught in my day that everyone else is a pleb. And if you went to Eton it was drummed into you that you are superior. Quite right too, eh what!

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Offline andybon

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #43 on: January 11, 2013, 07:02:14 pm »
Alot of lane 1's are more damaged than other lanes due to the HGV use of this lane . I have driven on some that make it difficult to keep the wheels straight . The general width of HGV's is wider than all other traffic and means when one of the wheels in in a low bit the other wheel is not and causes the steering to wander . Have others experienced this ?

You think they are bad in a car, Try it in an hgv, Loaded up to 43 tonnes when the trailer is in the rut but the cab isn't! You use muscles in your arse you never even knew you had!

I had one yesterday. A woman in a 59 plate astra going down the M62. I joined from the M60 heading towards Liverpool and she was doing 50mph in the inside lane. I move out to overtake her and the lorry infront of her then she pulls out as I am half a car length off her right into my path! Then decides to match my speed all down the motorway right up to the M6 turnoff, when she finally moved over and let me past. Lucky for me I was travelling back empty skel (No box on the back, Just the skeletal trailer) and was quicker than the other trucks on the road at the time (Hence me overtaking all the other trucks with ease). Moving out to the outside lane is not an option as HGVs are banned from the outside lane.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 07:03:47 pm by andybon »
How hard can it be?

Offline Stanipkiss

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Re: Middle lane motorway drivers!!
« Reply #44 on: January 11, 2013, 08:25:04 pm »
Tonight I had 3 RR Evoques just sitting in the middle lane.
1 of them sat in the 3rd lane of 4 before it goes to 3 and nothing in the 2 inner lanes! URRRRRGG I need some bond toys on my car!!! Missiles would be best in place of full beam flash!

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