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Heath Robinson trackday camera mounts

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I dont mean in terms of 11/10ths around a track... a lighter camera, will be more stable and produce better videos.... think Go-Pro size and weight.


--- Quote from: Beddie on January 09, 2013, 12:01:45 am ---I did a how to on my homemade pikey mount  :smiley:,32929.0.html

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Perfect. I've seen the hague headrest mounts which are similar but grossly over priced. This is perfect. Cheers


--- Quote from: richwig83 on January 09, 2013, 12:12:24 am ---I dont mean in terms of 11/10ths around a track... a lighter camera, will be more stable and produce better videos.... think Go-Pro size and weight.

--- End quote ---

I can always change to a lighter camera if it doesnt work too well. I'm not after anything too special


--- Quote from: Beddie on January 09, 2013, 12:01:45 am ---I did a how to on my homemade pikey mount  :smiley:,32929.0.html

--- End quote ---

Do you have a link for this one please

Tesco or asda sell cheap tripods (£4.99) that have a removeable top section the same as mine, I got mine from Aldi in the cheap bin for £2!  :happy2:


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