Hi mate
Yeah I had the same unit installed at Christmas.
I had the same issue uploading the firmware on my first attempt but it worked no issues 2nd try.
If I remember correctly I think the issue was not putting the unit in standby mode at the right point - I know the instructions aren't the clearest but they really do have to be followed to the letter.
I still haven't got a clue why mine didn't work first time?!
Yeah there are 2 files when u unzip - both have to be burnt to disc - I just downloaded the download file to my desktop then right clicked and chose the de-compress/unzip option.
It could be the disk type - use a CD-R.
After my attempt I just did a google search on the problem and founds loads of info - didn't save the link unfortunately. Didn't use that info in the end though just tried it again with original instructions and it worked no probs