I'm thinking about moving back to Oz later on this year and was wondering what peoples thoughts would be if I were to export my FR TDI over there.
I know that Seats are not currently sold in Oz (although u use to be able to win an ibiza on "the price is right") but we all know Mk5 golfs are and they share most of the important bits. The cars not worth a lot if I were to sell it but I've invested a bit in it and really quite enjoy having a quirky quick derv (not sure what my fellow countrymen would think of it

). It would be unique down under so maybe insurance would be a PITA but I'm sure that can be sorted.
I've had a read on the auzzie customs website and it looks like I meet all the criteria in terms of owning it for 12mths, have a place to work, got a passport etc but its not in the list of permitted cars?? I'm sure I could get away with it?? If my calcs are correct it would cost £2-£2.5k
So am I mad? or should I just get rid and get a LS3 engined HSV

(haha what a bogan)