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Winter prep


Now that winter is upon us, what do you do to prepare for winter?

I've heard people say you should carry chocolate, old mats, shovel, sand, etc. Well, firstly I'm sure most people don't carry this kind of stuff and secondly, well the chocolate would have been eaten within 30 mins of putting it in the car!

Since there's a long journey this weekend, I've already done things like check oil, coolant, water level, tyre pressures etc. But what else do you actually do?

Make sure I keep a bottle of de-icer in the boot.  That's about it really - I keep a brolly and gloves in the glove box all year round, and a torch in the boot all year round too.

Obviously tyres/screenwash/water/oil get checked regularly throughout the year too.

my winter prep is normally surrounds detailing. I carry torch jacket umbrella etc all year round. I normally sacrifice my 'looks' lsp for a more protective lsp. A few coats of collinite and wheel sealant see off the salt well!


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