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****WRC 2013 Thread****

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Well, Loeb won the Monte Carlo Rally for the 7th time, but Ogier did very well in the Polo. Great debut and hopefully a sign of things to come!!!

According to David Evans (autosport / MNews) there were a few UK TV companies ready to air the WRC but they all wanted money to do so. It appears that was the stumbling block. They have 3 weeks to sort it out before Rally Sweden !

Its a shame really as the production by the new promoters is really very good. I've been watching them on youtube. SpeedTV in Australia have been showing them. Half hour bulletins every night.  Uploaders name WRCforeva. Take a look.

Regarding the Monte , Ogier did really well , won the first stage but  Latvala crashed on the last day. Big impact too.

If latvala can keep it on the road I think VW will have a good year.

Oooh nasty!

He was driving like some idiots I've seen here in the last few days! 

Excellent. Subscribed to the YouTube channel.

VW doing well again on the first proper day of Rally Sweden. Ogier first & latvala third. Ogier has won all buy one stage on day 1.



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