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****WRC 2013 Thread****

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--- Quote from: bowie on March 11, 2013, 01:31:54 pm ---P.S , ITV4 now have the deal to televise the WRC. First programme is tomorrow (Tuesday 12th March) at 1745.  If you're a fan make sure to watch. The higher the viewing figures the more chance they'll do more than just an hour highlights.


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Nice one Chris!  :happy2:

Did anyone else read about the 'closed gate' incident on stage that Ogier had to deal with!  :surprised:

Yeah , I think that's happened before on the SA rounds. Portugal too iirc.

Having said that , I'm sure it's also happened in this country too. Normally McRae fans trying to sabotage burns or sainz ! Not me though !


Great news about ITV4. Glad there is an HD channel for ITV4 as well. Setup the Sky box to record it!!!  :jumpmove:

Anyone else having trouble trying to find the highlights for the Portuguese Rally?  :confused:


--- Quote from: Greeners on April 14, 2013, 11:01:48 pm ---Anyone else having trouble trying to find the highlights for the Portuguese Rally?  :confused:

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Thursday 18th April at 8:00pm  :happy2:


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