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****WRC 2013 Thread****

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Anyone going watching the welsh rally? or sitting at home nice and warm? I'll be masrhaling so hopefully getting stuck in  :driver:

I really wana go but all of my mates are busy that weekend,might just go on my own billy no mates lol.....


--- Quote from: flatout on November 01, 2013, 06:11:39 pm ---I really wana go but all of my mates are busy that weekend,might just go on my own billy no mates lol.....

--- End quote ---

Thats quite unfortunate haha, if you do go and spot a bunch of drunk idiots, come and join us  :drinking:

So the 2014 season is well underway down in Monte already. Kubica is doing well, thought it wasnt looking good for him after rolling twice in Wales last year.


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