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****WRC 2013 Thread****

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Welshman Adam:
Oops, just seen that April was already mentioned, sorry for the repetition!

S4C coverage is good for some of us though. ;)

Terrible state of affairs! It wasn't that long ago that WRC was bigger than F1!!

Surely some channel somewhere must cover it? :sad1:

I love watching WRC and now they have a bl00dy VW in it they've stopped covering it :fighting:


--- Quote from: Hurdy on January 19, 2013, 12:40:03 am ---Surely some channel somewhere must cover it? :sad1:

I love watching WRC and now they have a bl00dy VW in it they've stopped covering it :fighting:

--- End quote ---

And not only that, it's doing really well!  :fighting:


--- Quote from: Greeners on January 19, 2013, 12:59:27 pm ---
--- Quote from: Hurdy on January 19, 2013, 12:40:03 am ---Surely some channel somewhere must cover it? :sad1:

I love watching WRC and now they have a bl00dy VW in it they've stopped covering it :fighting:

--- End quote ---

And not only that, it's doing really well!  :fighting:

--- End quote ---

Oh Bollox, typical, it would be wouldn't it! :sad1:


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