this thread is getting quite funny now, the guy has a point about jumping on peoples backs in little playground bully groups, it happens a lot on this forum and is only really done by around 6 people or so - you know who you are -
it was mentioned this thread is a pathetic topic for example, how is a thread that informs people of the resale value of a rcd300 classed as pathetic ????
this is an example of people picking at other people and then the little playground bully group then joins in as they know no better.
for 2 people to have 2 diff accounts on here with 2 diff e-mail addresses residing in the same property with 2 different golfs is seen as a lot off bull**** then that's fine and that's your opinion which if tickles your fancy is also fine.
and to the other comment of my personality showing my other account then the answer is no - the reason steve picked up on it was due to the same IP address of which was deliberatelly not blocked at this end as if so WOULD have been myself playing two different accounts, ten seconds for me to block my IP btw.
to be fair guys the comment on my threads being a lot of trash is just silly, cmon stop being childish, we are all on here to get along with each other and yes we will disagree about things but the most important thing that a lot of us can forget in the heat of the moment is RESPECT for our fellow members.
we can all be guilty of that - me included in the past -
someone also mentioned we should meet up as members before we comment on other people, a lot of us have very busy lives and im sure you know that cant always be possible.
be nice and lets all just get on