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Author Topic: Want to update my RNS510  (Read 839 times)

Offline richtung

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Want to update my RNS510
« on: January 18, 2013, 08:07:29 am »
MODS - please move if in the wrong section - thanks.

Morning guys,

with the crappy weather this weekend, im resigned to staying in. Thought i might as well do some car admin and update the firmware and maps on the RNS510.

I have an RNS-510 Version C. Using the secret menu, this is the current state of play:

SW- 2760

Western Europe

I look to update the firmware first. Im i ok to jump straight to the latest firmware - which i believe to be 4210? any reliable links please?

I've read there is a small risk of bricking the unit. If this happens, what can i do?

Others have mentioned that when the firmware is updated, it wipes the existing maps - my unit came with maps pre loaded so i guess i will have to update the maps!

with the maps, i believe the latest maps are V9. which version is the latest one with which displays speed/redlight cameras?

Sorry for all the questions!! Im quite nervous about doing this and i bloody work in IT!!



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Re: Want to update my RNS510
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 08:29:00 am »
If you go from a 2*** to a 3*** , or from a 3*** to a 4*** fw you will lose the maps and music.

First check what canbus you have to prevent yourself from the battery drain.

I would update to a version 3*** first and then to a 4*** just to be safe.

V9 Maps is 7920 which has speed cams and red lights.