OK i Only drove it on the motorway and a few roundabouts in the rush hour as well so not much to report yet.
But the anti lift kit is amazing.
The steering instantly felt at least 10 % heavier and the car seems to just stay in a straight line when you take your hands off the wheel its hard to describe but it feels like its being sucked down. the heavier steering is a bonus its in no way uncomfortable just feels more secure.
I was dropping back in traffic at roundabouts then flooring it. I wasn't going mental but i could not get it to hop at all as i exited l the roundabouts, there was no tc light and no bounce. also i had to modify the line i was taking as each time i came close to catching the curb on the inside. normally i adjust the line to take into account the roll and slight drift. but now i have to turn in later, it was just going exactly were i pointed it. This was clearly noticeable. If it turns out like it feels its going to, it will be one great mod for the money, i just have to be careful that all this wasn't in my head. and the usual placebo effect.
As for the coilovers i can really only tell you about the ride quality at this stage, it felt a little bit firmer but not as much as i thought it was going to. the noticeable thing though was how quickly it settled after hitting a pot hole or rut one quick dip and it was planted again instantly.
Now the downside to my choice of coilovers. Dampening adjustment is easy peasy its a one minute job. but height adjustment aint so. the rear coils need to come off the car to adjust them and the front ones you can only just get a turn on the spanner in the space.
so with this in mind Votex set the back at a perfect height for me and the front looks a bit high but can be altered to suit plus they should settle 5-10 mil over the next couple of days. i took a pic but its not to clear. roll on tomorrow i cant wait.