Finally I think running 44PSI is dangerous and I'm surprised you're recommending it. On a spirited drive I can see my pressures come up by around 4-6PSI depending on the weather, by that same reckoning, you'd be near or at the maximum limit of 50PSI and serious risk of tyre failure.
What an utter load of bollox! I supposed you think I should get locked up for attempted manslaughter by running 85psi in my bicycle tyres!
HTF can 44psi be dangerous? What about the 61psi in the space saver - do we have to have a 'Hazardous Substance' warning sticker on our tailgates!
The mind boggles how you can even post such statements! 
I don't know, what does it say on the sidewall of your bicycle or the spacesaver regarding the maximimum permissable inflation?
Well then maybe you ought to check before making such sweeping statements as you did earlier in the thread. Yes, sure, a bicycle tyre is a bit of an extreme and slighty irelevant example - but a spacesaver is categorically NOT irellevent!
I know for a FACT it says you DO NOT EXCEED 50PSI on the sidewall of a 225/40/18 Michelin PS2,
The you have just completely shot yourself - because that IS NOT RELEVENT TO UK OR EU MARKETS. It form no legal requirements, nor no 'advisory' requirements either. You are massively out of your depth in this particular issue!
and that is what we're talking about here after all... not bicycles, not egos, just PS2s.
You seem to be the one with the massive 'ego' problem. Because you categorically DID NOT state we were just dealing with PS2s. Talk about moving the goal posts!

You admit that tyre pressures can go up by a marked amount further up in this thread, yes? You therefore MUST accept that your tyres, at 44PSI when hot, will be reaching upwards of the tyre manufacturers MAXIMUM limit??
Am I wrong in that statement?
Of course you are wrong! You are massively wrong - on two counts.
First, tyre pressures should ONLY be checked when the tyre is COLD. Pressures are NOT the limiting factor. It is the upper limits of tyre TEMPERATURES which are the limitiing factors - why the heck do you think that they don't bother with measuring the pressures - but DO measure temperatures - during motorsports meetings?
Secondy, simple laws of physics dictate that pressures will rise when a tyre heats up. This is PERFECTLY NORMAL - and provding the temperature doesn't rise too much, is perfectly within design parameters. Or do you not think that tyre manufacturers didn't realise that tyres get warm during use!
If you're happy to explrore the "thresholds" of the tyre, then fine - crack on.
So what do you think you are doing? Pot, kettle and black come to mind.

At least I have a professionally educated understanding of what I am doing!
If you're telling me I'm an idiot for running 2PSI under recommended when I've accounted for my tyres getting hotter than the fuel flaps "middle of the road" settings... why am I not granted the same threshold?
I never said you personally were an 'idiot'. What I did say was that it is recommended never to go below the recommended settings. And as I've also pointed out - they are just 'recommendations'. Furthermore, in many other threads, I've explained the 'science' behind how tyre pressures can be 'adjusted' or tweaked.
And for the record, I don't have a problem with you personally running lower pressures - afterall, its your car, and your own 'butt dyno' should be giving you first hand feed back of what the car is doing. But I do have a problem when peeps make a sweeping statement to others to lower their pressures - especially when there is a shed load of info in the public domain about how dangerous under-inflated tyres are.
In my opinion though, you are handing out dangerous advice to people clouded by an arrogance of 'having to be right', even when you probably know better.
But my advice is NOT dangerous. My advice is supported by the Tyre Industry Council, along with all the major tyre manufacturers, and most modern car manufacturers - who ALL now state that cars should be run ALL the time on the 'full load' pressures (unless there is some exceptional over-riding reason not to). Or do you also think that the TIC and all the tyre manufactures, and the vehicle manufacturers are wrong - and are giving out dangerous advice?
Immeadiately dropping to base level of insult and aggression is the act of a child, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Huh - black cooking items again. Or is it just you who somehow has an absolute right to make unqualified dangerous statements - whilst being exempt from challenges?