I hate LED's for not being able to match the colours.
I've had about 10 sets of sidelight 5W5's and not one type has ever been a close match to another, some dont even match the others when buying a pair?
I bought the numberplate festoons and they were off white, bought some more they were bluey tinted and only lasted a couple of weeks. the only ones i've ever been happy with from a colour point of view, were a pair of CREE sightlight LED's but they work "face on" and were no good as sidelight bulbs as they dont illuminate off the reflectors so were crap looking!
I'm still looking to find the right ones but not hopeful of ever finding them in a true super white, they are all bluey or creamy to me.
I'm considering fitting a HID kit and will no doubt have issues with that not matching LOL
I've seen some listed as 5000k and 6000k rated, maybe worth investing the few quid for a try?
Wished I'd got the other GTI on the forecourt with Xenons, Sat Nav and MFSW....... the extra £2000 would have been worth it