Dear All,
Just thought I'd show you some of the new minor mods I've undertaken on the ED30. Sorry haven't been around lately - been so busy in work and finishing my Mk1. So the ED30 has been neglected lately, it's currently in desparate need of a wash and a general detail. Thats happening today, but I decided I'd fit all the associated bits and bobs I have had piling up.
First item fitted, the poly dogbone insert that I had in January (!!!) from JKM. Easy to fit, but not really feeling any differend, but I know it's in there for the time I go full turbo back Miltek !
Secondly, I bought a pair of Gulf's "GTI" seat inlays. WHAT A QUALITY PRODUCT. Gulf take my hat off to you they are great and look totally at home and OEM in the seats - fantastic. (Sorry for poor pics - mobile phone)

Lastly, I love yellow foglights. I didn't want to tint the lenses as I like the standard unmodified look of the car. I searched everywhere for yellow 2500k HB4/9006 fog lamps in the UK, in France during my hols (thinking ALL French cars had yellow lights) and the internet to no avail - before stumbling accross these :- arrived a week later - and man - they are GREAT ! Real yellow light with the fogs on and OEM looking when they are off !
Have a look - just wanted to spread the word - have seen a lot of people tinting the lamps - for those who want the look but don't want to do that their just what you want.

Just thought I'd share it with you !