^^^^ had to see it for myself. THANK GOD we didn't actually see any nuggets of sh*te being eaten though.

It does slightly make me despair for today's youth. It's the lack of respect and more importantly for me its the lack of self respect they have. Along with many other lessons my wife and I (hopefully) instilled into our kids its the importance of self worth and respect.
I'm sure they do these things to "fit in" and because of "peer pressure" or to "look cool" but when someone passes you a cup of sick to drink or a whole boat goads a young lady to "get your t*ts out" why not stand up for yourself and say "Fu*k off".
As those young retards would say "Fu*king complete strangers is just a laugh or its to get "your score up".
I did laugh through that programme and cringe in disbelief at their lack of intelligence and squirm at the Hospital scenes but overall I felt ashamed that this is our youth and the product of our society. Oh well.
I'm all for a selective breeding and sterilisation programme in this country!