10mm spacers will fit fine on the rear, I have them on mine 
There are differences to the front and rear spacers though, I use H&R Trak+ spacers and they list a version 'A' and version 'B' for the front and rear, I don't remember off the top of my head which one is for the front and which the rear though lol
H&R 10mm spacer is the same for front and back. The A and B refer to alloy (silver) and black colour respectively.
For the H&R range the suffix 'SW' denotes black finish as opposed to aliminum
For my application (20mm Trak+) so 10mm each side hub centric there are 2 versions as I have 1 of each on the car

B is for front axle fitment whilst '2055571
A' is for rear axle fitment only...

Edit: just been and got my knees and fingers dirty for the cause...fronts are 'B' and rears 'A', something to do with hub height and radius differences between the front and rear iirc