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Author Topic: British Gas! I am loosing it!!  (Read 1686 times)

Offline bakili

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British Gas! I am loosing it!!
« on: January 24, 2013, 06:01:47 pm »
Hey guys,
I am having really annoying issue with British Gas  :fighting:
Me and Mrs moved house in 2009 Oct, before we moved out, we rang British Gas and requested final bill and told them that moving out. Couple days late or so we received final bill and paid it straight away (was around £8 or £9).

In January 2013 received letter from British Gas, first thought just another advert letter, but no, bill for £1280.47  :fighting: :fighting:
Bill period from Aug 2009 to Oct 2009  usage 13770kWh.
Phoned them ones and told them that wtf is going on, i moved from this address nearly 4 years ago. The BG representative said ignore it is mistake. Ok calm down a bit.
Couple days later second reminder, ignored it. Then another reminder, phoned them again, told them all story again and explained them that it just does not add up usage of 13770 kWh in such a short period. Also explained that it was shop under flat where I used to live and looks more like bill for the shop. The representative agreed with me and told me he will cancel this bill straight away.
Couple weeks later another reminder this time BG altered usage period from May 2009 to Oct 2009  :fighting: :fighting: and also stared sending me sms text  :fighting: :fighting: :fighting:   
Phoned this time and i was really angry, 2 times they promised to ring me back, and no phone call :fighting:

What to do,
I have excellent credit rating, and now really worried to ruin it

Any advice please

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Re: British Gas! I am loosing it!!
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2013, 06:30:13 pm »
If your worried about your CR, grab a free one at: (note its £8 per month after intro period) but extremely useful.

Regarding BG... stomp your feet, get to speak to someone high up, organize a meeting (it will never happen, but show you mean business), get this in writing that it's DONE. 
As you rightly say, these stupid little irregularities can have dire consequences in the future.  Most of the time, it's down to the individual you speak to not doing their job and filing it properly; ask for their name and make a note that you will be speaking to their manager if this isn't sorted.  Go on the net and grab some powerful names in BG, and name drop these to a manager... it will get sorted :laugh:

Offline bakili

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Re: British Gas! I am loosing it!!
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 06:31:28 pm »
Thanks for advice, definitely will request to speak to some one high and request meeting
Can my bad credit rating effect my wife or hers effect me?

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Re: British Gas! I am loosing it!!
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 06:39:51 pm »
What makes you think this will have a negative impact on your credit rating unless they are threatening a CCJ?

Just keep on at them. Ring hourly if convenient until its sorted out properly.