Agree Robin, but driving to the conditions isn't always possible. On black ice even at very low speeds its easy to get into a slide, and there's not a thing you can do about it once it starts
....I know. From direct experience, 20 mph skid on black ice one christmas morning many moons ago while driving a heavy Ford Granada and ended up upside down in a field hanging from my safety belt and laughing my head off! The tyres back in those days were what? And the road hadn't been gritted.
As said earlier, my solution is to simply not bother to drive my car in the snow and ice. But I realise that some folks feel they don't have a choice and winter tyres etc will be best for them. I don't see why I should be legally obliged to have winter tyres just because it's March or whenever when I'm driving on a fine snowless day.
Very fine pic, 'camfollower'