Ha, are you joking? You told me to f*ck off. Perhaps you were 'stoned' when you did it, but I remember it, and Robin remembers it.
apologies mr parker i thought you where referring to THIS thread and not past exchanges, yes i did at the time but you WHERE being a bit shall we say silly at the time.
maybe bygones should be bygones as they say, im big anough if you are
....Andrew is definitely 'big enough' - I remember a time when folks ganged up on him and he threatened to leave the forum but he stayed cool and stayed and he no longer prompts the same reaction from people.... Usually! 
deep down i get the feeling that andrew is a nice person, maybe we just got off on the wrong foot at some point, it happens easily enough.
when i first joined this forum my biggest argument was against yourself red, im sure you remember, but time passed and after realising i jumped the gun way to quickly with you i now see you as one of the most helpfull people on here, also the fact you dont really hold a grudge def helped.
just goes to show how wires can get crossed and after a bit of calmness things can completelly flip round.
also with regards to the moderators on here, i do understand their enthuisiasm for the topic of mk5 gti is what brought them here in the first place and i do understand that sometimes it may be a difficult balance between moderator and member.
i know one thing that really p*ss*s one of them off is my reluctance to use capital letters etc, minor i know but how is it if i use word on my comp it automatically grammer checks for me and inserts capitals etc as you type - it doesnt do that here, is there a way of doing this ?
a thread on w8 isnt the most interesting i know but to be honest if i knew the problems with w8 that this thread has highlighted before i went out and bought one it would have stopped me in my tracks, something like this topic can be SO boring if you dont need it - but if you do then that's a different story.
from my experience on problem solving in regards to this subject over the last month or so it is my opinion that the information available on the web does not cover the problems this operating system has, also the same testing the feedback from microsoft who will never admit to anything, sony themselves who are not really sure either, pc world - bl**dy useless and would be as well asking the checkout operator at my local tesco as technical answers will be the same, also online forums and w8 review videos all do not cover the compatability issues on w8.
just to clarify before i lock this thread soon
the title and subject of this thread was to ask questions with regards to w8 / w7 compatability
if anyone reading this needs a new comp soon you should be aware of the following and maybe take red robins advice and buy a mac.
w8 machines have the following problems
1 - bluetooth dongles DO not work on w8 machines and w7 dongles etc are NOT compatable
2 - adobe does not work properly on w8
3 - windows media player does NOT work properly on w8
4 - sites like photobucket WILL NOT allow you to edit / delete pictures when using w8 (spoke to their tech dept on this )
5 - any pics / vids on this forum for example will not show / play on w8 and have a 60% chance of playing when using scaled down version of desktop on w8
6 - you constantly have to flip between the w8 op syst & the desktop ( scaled down w7 ) feature on w8 to make interactive websites work / play media
7 - lots of updates on w8 are just not there
8 - if you manually turn the power of on a w8 machine while it is downloading updates you WILL fry the hard drive ( confirmed by pc world )
9 - compatabilty with other peripherals is a nightmare and is not always available so cameras etc dont always work
10 - the technical knowledge of any kind of tech support is very limited on w8 due to sparce training
11 - you DO NOT get prompted to back up the op syst & need to figure it out yourself,
12 - op syst is 17gb meaning you need a 32gb usb stick, you cannot back onto dvd etc, either a usb stick or optical drive and it must be a dedicated one ( i originally used an optical drive with 1 terabite of space then realised that you CANNOT use the rest of the drive as it will corrupt the w8 back up ) the back up source you use must be dedicated.
this is the main problems with w8 and to be fair it's quite a lot
if you where to put w7 onto a w8 machine the pc manufacturer will wash their hands of you and your bluetooth chip which is on the motherboard WILL NOT WORK and with no way to fix it, also you cannot just whack in a w7 disk and expect it to work, the op systems safety measures makes it a very difficult job unless you are a comp expert.
also the power management system will need to be de-activated as it is also not compatable.
all this is boring crap i know and im expecting a matrix style logo from a trusted forum member
but at least anyone reading this will know the op systems problems and WHEN your comp bites the dust one day maybe you will remember some of w8's problems.
where is my matrix logo now 

is this better for you guys ?
Deep down I get the feeling that Andrew is a nice person, maybe we just got off on the wrong foot at some point, it happens easily enough.
When I first joined this forum my biggest argument was against yourself red, I’m sure you remember, but time passed and after realising I jumped the gun way to quickly with you I now see you as one of the most helpful people on here, also the fact you don’t really hold a grudge def helped.
Just goes to show how wires can get crossed and after a bit of calmness things can completely flip round.
Also with regards to the moderators on here, I do understand their enthusiasm for the topic of mk5 gti is what brought them here in the first place and I do understand that sometimes it may be a difficult balance between moderator and member.
I know one thing that really p*ss*s one of them off is my reluctance to use capital letters etc., minor I know but how is it if I use word on my comp it automatically grammar checks for me and inserts capitals etc. as you type - it doesn’t do that here, is there a way of doing this ?
A thread on w8 isn’t the most interesting I know but to be honest if I knew the problems with w8 that this thread has highlighted before I went out and bought one it would have stopped me in my tracks, something like this topic can be SO boring if you don’t need it - but if you do then that's a different story.
From my experience on problem solving in regards to this subject over the last month or so it is my opinion that the information available on the web does not cover the problems this operating system has, also the same testing the feedback from Microsoft who will never admit to anything, Sony themselves who are not really sure either, pc world - bl**dy useless and would be as well asking the checkout operator at my local Tesco as technical answers will be the same, also online forums and w8 review videos all do not cover the compatibility issues on w8.
Just to clarify before I lock this thread soon
The title and subject of this thread was to ask questions with regards to w8 / w7 compatibility
If anyone reading this needs a new comp soon you should be aware of the following and maybe take red robins advice and buy a mac.
W8 machines have the following problems
1 - Bluetooth dongles DO not work on w8 machines and w7 dongles etc. are NOT compatible
2 - Adobe does not work properly on w8
3 - Windows media player does NOT work properly on w8
4 - Sites like photo bucket WILL NOT allow you to edit / delete pictures when using w8 (spoke to their tech dept. on this)
5 - Any pics / vids on this forum for example will not show / play on w8 and have a 60% chance of playing when using scaled down version of desktop on w8
6 - You constantly have to flip between the w8 op syst & the desktop (scaled down w7) feature on w8 to make interactive websites work / play media
7 - Lots of updates on w8 are just not there
8 - If you manually turn the power of on a w8 machine while it is downloading updates you WILL fry the hard drive (confirmed by pc world)
9 - Compatibility with other peripherals is a nightmare and is not always available so cameras etc. don’t always work
10 - The technical knowledge of any kind of tech support is very limited on w8 due to sparse training
11 - You DO NOT get prompted to back up the op syst & need to figure it out yourself,
12 - op syst is 17gb meaning you need a 32gb usb stick, you cannot back onto dvd etc., either a usb stick or optical drive and it must be a dedicated one (I originally used an optical drive with 1 terabyte of space then realised that you CANNOT use the rest of the drive as it will corrupt the w8 back up) the backup source you use must be dedicated.
This is the main problems with w8 and to be fair it's quite a lot
If you where to put w7 onto a w8 machine the pc manufacturer will wash their hands of you and your Bluetooth chip which is on the motherboard WILL NOT WORK and with no way to fix it, also you cannot just whack in a w7 disk and expect it to work, the op systems safety measures makes it a very difficult job unless you are a comp expert.
Also the power management system will need to be de-activated as it is also not compatible.
all this is boring crap I know and I’m expecting a matrix style logo from a trusted forum member but at least anyone reading this will know the op systems problems and WHEN your comp bites the dust one day maybe you will remember some of w8's problems.
Where is my matrix logo now?