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Author Topic: silly pc world, advice appreciated  (Read 8876 times)

Offline scottm72

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silly pc world, advice appreciated
« on: January 28, 2013, 11:13:39 pm »
bought a new sony viao laptop from pc world around 2 months ago.
wanted a windows 7 laptop but told they only sell w8 ones now,
there was 2 display laptops left on the shelves with windows 7 but they looked old so went for the windows 8 one on the understanding from the salesman that if i didnt like windows 8 i could absolutelly install windows 7 back onto it if i liked.
i persisted with w8 for a while but when i realised i could not get the laptop to connect to my printer which has a bluetooth dongle in it ( the dongle which makes my printer wireless is not compatable with windows 8 and YOU CANNOT BUY a w8 dongle as they just dont exist ) i then decided to install windows 7 onto the machine.
i had problems overwriting the viaos security measures which protected the operating system even with multiple phone calls to pc world 24/7 support so i decided to put the laptop into pc world shop and get them to install the w7 operating system for me.
they called me a week later to say the copy of windows 7 i gave them was corrupt so i authorised them to install their own version of windows 7 for me, all i had to do was buy a licence key within a month.
job done and i thought everything was ok until tonight, i could not get my computer to find ANY bluetooth devices at all, i called the tech support again and it turns out that although i now have a w7 operating system the actual bluetooth device built into the laptop is configured for w8 and cannot be reconfigured to work with w7 !!!
so i do not have ANY bluetooth capabilities on the computer unless i re-install w8.
so im stuck with a top of the range viao that cant connect to my printer.
my question is before i call pc world to complain is shouldnt they have told me this when i bought the machine that i would have problems if i went back to w7? when i specifically told them i may do this and they agreed it would be ok ?
and when they done the w7 install for me should they not have noticed that there was exclamation marks on the bluetooth settings that could neither be fixed or updated ?
seems a bit unfair, i only need the bluetooth function to print as the printer is upstairs but saying that printing is a pretty important thing.

would value some advice before i call them in case they tell me to naff off
thanks for reading

ps,,, forgot to mention, i called sony for help and they said that because the operating system has been changed they cannot offer technical support, so basically it invalidates the warranty with them.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 11:40:59 pm by scottm72 »

Offline Deako

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 11:48:43 pm »
Lesson 1: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 2: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 3: Install W8 and update your printer. I had to do it with OSX on a number of occasions. Its called a HCL.

Offline scottm72

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2013, 12:13:07 am »
Lesson 1: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 2: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 3: Install W8 and update your printer. I had to do it with OSX on a number of occasions. Its called a HCL.
my printer is a 3 in 1 and is supperb quality so wont be changing it.
and w8 has so many compatability problems with regards to adobe, acrobat, dongles, media player etc etc etc.
i know pc world aint great but i bought from them due to the 24/7 tech support
they didnt tell me about the downgrade problems as they simply didnt know about them due to their limited knowledge of w8, i had to educate them as to the fact that w8 does not prompt you to make a back up disc and they told me thanks for the advice and they would inform their staff  :confused:
so i know they are bad sometimes but their 24/7 tech support for a tenner a month is pretty good,
do you think they should accept responsibility for this problem for advising me on one of their products incorrectly ?

Offline edd666999

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2013, 01:32:53 am »
I just think you need to speak to a actual technician that knows what hes talking about.

Look for their direct competitors  :wink: Cheaper and 1000x better.

Offline Stumpey

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2013, 08:14:10 am »
Lesson 1: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 2: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 3: Install W8 and update your printer. I had to do it with OSX on a number of occasions. Its called a HCL.

Agreed Pc world know as much about computers as I know about brain surgery, only buy from them if you know what you want , they have a cheap deal going and you don't need there help in any way, you would get more sense from our cat.

Offline scottm72

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2013, 11:25:46 am »
Lesson 1: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 2: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 3: Install W8 and update your printer. I had to do it with OSX on a number of occasions. Its called a HCL.

Agreed Pc world know as much about computers as I know about brain surgery, only buy from them if you know what you want , they have a cheap deal going and you don't need there help in any way, you would get more sense from our cat.
you may be right there, maybe i should have your cat doing the 24/7 tech help, would def be a less frustrating call talking to him/her than some of their so called expert techs.
im gonna call them up just now and kick up sh*t
will post how i got on.

Offline Deako

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2013, 01:41:13 pm »
Lesson 1: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 2: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 3: Install W8 and update your printer. I had to do it with OSX on a number of occasions. Its called a HCL.
my printer is a 3 in 1 and is supperb quality so wont be changing it.
and w8 has so many compatability problems with regards to adobe, acrobat, dongles, media player etc etc etc.
i know pc world aint great but i bought from them due to the 24/7 tech support
they didnt tell me about the downgrade problems as they simply didnt know about them due to their limited knowledge of w8, i had to educate them as to the fact that w8 does not prompt you to make a back up disc and they told me thanks for the advice and they would inform their staff  :confused:
so i know they are bad sometimes but their 24/7 tech support for a tenner a month is pretty good,
do you think they should accept responsibility for this problem for advising me on one of their products incorrectly ?

Printers are disposable items.

Offline scottm72

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2013, 04:10:22 pm »
Lesson 1: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 2: Dont listen to PC World.
Lesson 3: Install W8 and update your printer. I had to do it with OSX on a number of occasions. Its called a HCL.
my printer is a 3 in 1 and is supperb quality so wont be changing it.
and w8 has so many compatability problems with regards to adobe, acrobat, dongles, media player etc etc etc.
i know pc world aint great but i bought from them due to the 24/7 tech support
they didnt tell me about the downgrade problems as they simply didnt know about them due to their limited knowledge of w8, i had to educate them as to the fact that w8 does not prompt you to make a back up disc and they told me thanks for the advice and they would inform their staff  :confused:
so i know they are bad sometimes but their 24/7 tech support for a tenner a month is pretty good,
do you think they should accept responsibility for this problem for advising me on one of their products incorrectly ?

Printers are disposable items.
i agree with you deako, if it was just that i would prob buy a new one, the problem with windows 8 though is you cannot view pictures properly or videos, you revert back to a background scaled down version of windows 7 to view anything and even then you can only view around 60% of any pictures from sites like facebook, e,bay, forums like this etc.
adobe / acrobat / media player is still not up to date with the w8 operating system yet and will not be fixed until many more companies are forced to use the op system as the demand is still not high enough yet.
companies wont revert though as they will not use an operating system that is not fully up to date.
also i cannot do anything on photobucket apart from add pictures with w8, you cannot delete etc, i spoke to photobucket customer services on this and they confirmed this.
its annoying when you cannot even view pictures when on this forum etc
im stumped

Offline bacillus

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2013, 04:53:52 pm »
Call me a simpleton but did they actually install a bluetooth driver as windows 7 doesn't necessarily have all BT card drivers.

What error message does it show in device manager about Bluetooth radios?
Without traction power is nothing!

Offline scottm72

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2013, 06:40:06 pm »
Call me a simpleton but did they actually install a bluetooth driver as windows 7 doesn't necessarily have all BT card drivers.

What error message does it show in device manager about Bluetooth radios?
yeah they did install the bluetooth drivers, i confirmed this by looking in the settings for bluetooth, there was 3 lines with an exclamation mark on them, i done this with the pc world tech on the phone.
right clicking the lines there is an option to update the drivers on each one, we done this and they where already up to date.
according to the tech guy this confirmed that a pc with pre installed w8 cannot go back to w7 without the bluetooth becoming useless.

i called pc world today and hit brick wall after brick wall,
my complaint was that their staff should not be giving out advice if they are not properly trained in order to do so, and also i should have been told when i paid them to do the w7 install that the bluetooth didnt work.
they where having none of it and only offered me 2 things,
1 - they could look at possibly giving me a bluetooth dongle for the laptop ( on w7 )
2 - they could put it back to w8 for me.
thats all they where willing to do.
to cut a long story short 2 hours later with a lot more pushing from me in the area of their salesmans incompetance and their uograde desk failing to do their job properly they have agreed to look at the laptop again to see if they can get the bluetooth to work ( which they wont be able to do ) and if they cannot fix it they will give me a full refund for the laptop / warranty.
it was £700 the laptop so i will just go elsewhere and buy a powerfull w7 one online.
how the f*ck can they sell these silly w8 computers when so many things either dont work of half work.
for example if you are on this forum using w8 and on a thread there is a picture you must click a button at the bottom of the screen to show in desktop mode, the page then re-loads in the scaled down w7 mode and then you can view the picture / video !!!
bare in mind this will work around 60% of the time and the other 40% of the time you cannot view the picture or video,,,, no way at all with all the proper updates for adobe reader / acrobat / windows media player etc etc etc.
you cant use sights like photobucket
e-bay is a nightmare posting pictures
u-tube is also a hit and miss
and so on.

these problems will not be fixed until the millions of companies out there like photobucket for example change their web site construction in order to make it compatable with windows 8.
this information was given to me by 2 sources, pc world 24/7 technicians and also microsoft themselves !!!
worryingly microsoft said dont worry about it as these companies will have no choice but to change sooner or later but it could take up to 3 years  :surprised:
i know new operating systems come with some teething problems but ffs this is ridiculous.
i have to turn into a detective and a pc tech in order to find all these problems out for myself.
absolutelly ridiculous.

if anyone reading this needs to buy a new laptop / computer any time soon please remember these problems and hopefully all the crap i have had to go through will save you the stress.
maybe things will get better with w8 sooner rather than later but i aint touching it again with a barge pole.
thanks for reading and g'day to you

Offline r32son

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2013, 06:46:23 pm »
Install the Drivers in Compatability Mode.

Right click and go properties > Compatability Tab> scroll down list for windows XP SP3

and then save the settings and install, everything should be fine after!!!

Offline scottm72

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2013, 06:49:42 pm »
Install the Drivers in Compatability Mode.

Right click and go properties > Compatability Tab> scroll down list for windows XP SP3

and then save the settings and install, everything should be fine after!!!
they have confirmed to me that the drivers for my bluetooth chip do not exist anywhere to make it work on w7 but i will give anything a try.
how do i get into compatability mode though ?

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2013, 06:52:11 pm »

Offline scottm72

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2013, 07:16:37 pm »

Offline rich83

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Re: silly pc world, advice appreciated
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2013, 07:20:12 pm »

richwig grow up and get a life

Got one thanks.

Can you 'get' some grammar lessons please?