Got the Sachs clutch kit installed today (disk with organic material and cover plate).
Now I can finally

the Golf like it was ment to be driven, which is pedal to the metal and off you go.

I stalled the car twice before I could move away, though.

The pedal travel is much shorter now, and the pedal is also much heavier compared to how it was from factory. Now when I try to let the clutch off to move away in first, the car shudders and I hear rubbing noise, disk rubbing against flywheel.

It is very hard to modulate clutch in 1st and even in second, if I want to move off slowly. When I went to dinner with my girlfriend tonight, I did not take the car, as I knew, in city traffic, uphill, I would stall it again.

It is hard to ride the clutch in 1st now, the clutch is so aggressive.

Those of you guys with manual Ed30s who changed to Sachs, did you have the same feeling in the beginning? I haven't been in a heavy-clutch-pedal car for 10 years now, since I learned how to drive in AlfaRomeo 164.
Can't even imagine how difficult it is to set off with sintered plate, which is even more agressive, not to mention lightened flywheel.

ANyway, next "mod" is RNS510, which I have now in a box in my living room. After RNS I do engine mounts, then Alleggeritas. Maybe eventually I'll have LSD as well...
But, damn, that clutch is so heavy and short now