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Author Topic: Cant reply to the 'For Sale' thread, is that because I'm new?  (Read 2208 times)

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Re: Cant reply to the 'For Sale' thread, is that because I'm new?
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2013, 10:42:49 pm »

Mk5 Jetta 2.0l Tdi 140 se Apex RDX coilovers, BBS VZ003, Skyline tails, Genuine Xenons more to come

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Re: Cant reply to the 'For Sale' thread, is that because I'm new?
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2013, 01:32:25 pm »
Just ask some one to pm the person for you and post your email address so at least then they can contact you directly

Mr Mat ED30, could you please PM me a bloke who has something for sale?   :notworthy:

Offline Seany

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Re: Cant reply to the 'For Sale' thread, is that because I'm new?
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2013, 06:26:49 pm »
I understand not being able to sell, but not to reply in a for sale thread ??!!

I'm sure there is a logical reason, but all I wanted to do was buy a key ring and couldn't !!!   

You may even want to offer advice on an item for sale.

Rant over !!   :signLOL:
Mk5 Blue 2006 .:R32

RNS-510 'C'
Reverse Camera
VW Bluetooth with Voice Control, Genuine VW Red LED footwell lighting, ITG Filter, Cruise,
Folding Mirrors with Rev dip, Puddle Lighting, Auto Boot pop, LED interior & exterior lighting,
Valeo Led rear clusters

Oh and a 3.2 inside   :)

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Re: Cant reply to the 'For Sale' thread, is that because I'm new?
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2013, 08:17:26 pm »
I understand not being able to sell, but not to reply in a for sale thread ??!!

I'm sure there is a logical reason, but all I wanted to do was buy a key ring and couldn't !!!   

You may even want to offer advice on an item for sale.

Rant over !!   :signLOL:

The reason is simple. The for sale section is supposed to be for members who are known to other members and as such reduce the risk of getting ripped off. Can you explain please how we are supposed to distinguish between a crook and an honest person whilst on the internet.
You might just want to buy a key ring but how do we know that?  :fighting2: You might actually just want to take a key ring and not pay for it.  :wink:
I personally wouldn't buy or sell you anything  even if you had 200 posts, but our members our quite happy to contact people, for strangers on here telling them someone wants to buy something from them.  :booty: 
We usually tell about one member a month,  'we are sorry but there is nothing the forum can do, to get your money or item back'.  :smiley:

Offline Seany

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Re: Cant reply to the 'For Sale' thread, is that because I'm new?
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2013, 08:45:30 pm »
Fully agree, after something that went down on the r32 forum.

But....  if I was SELLING something.... then I could understand.
An innocent member could pay for something and I could not send it.

But,  if I was BUYING something..... then I would send the money and rely on the fully fledged member sending the item.

I understand this is a very sensitive subject and is difficult to control and sometimes audit.

I will probably regret posting this if I ever find myself the wrong side of a potential buyer !!!!!  and would be the first to complain to the forum.

I think it was the fact I wanted this little key ring so badly I had to wait till my posts were above 10 to get it   :signLOL:

Mk5 Blue 2006 .:R32

RNS-510 'C'
Reverse Camera
VW Bluetooth with Voice Control, Genuine VW Red LED footwell lighting, ITG Filter, Cruise,
Folding Mirrors with Rev dip, Puddle Lighting, Auto Boot pop, LED interior & exterior lighting,
Valeo Led rear clusters

Oh and a 3.2 inside   :)

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Re: Cant reply to the 'For Sale' thread, is that because I'm new?
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2013, 08:54:04 pm »
Your last line is the correct answer.  :innocent: people find it very hard to see past there own view point.  You could easily pay for something, receive the goods then withdraw the payment back. The point is, if it is a active member on here, then we sort of know them a bit. This still doesn't mean it wont happen though as it is easy to build up posts spamming and our members just ignore this and even help them spam.  :rolleye: