hi guys i know there is some knowledgeable people on here so here goes.
my mate who has a few rental properties went to a popular flooring shop to purchase a floor which he needed no later than 4 working days later due to having a tight turn around time on the house, he doesnt do things as cheap as possible because he likes things to last so he spotted the (decent engineered) floor he wanted and when he enquired to a salesman about purchasing it he was told the 4 days was not possible.
At this exact time the manager of the shop who over hears the above takes over the sale and promises he can have it there in 3 working days by doing a direct delivery from their warehouse.
So 3 days goes by and no floor, chase it up and day 5 is promised and then no floor on day 5 and after that day 6 is promised and still no floor arrives and at this point he decides to cancel the order and get a floor off the shelf as joiners are being paid and tennants need to move in.
Cancellation goes ahead but 2 days later the company phone up and say he cant have the refund due to breaking the contract and not waiting 10 days for the floor and there is no way he can have his money back?
At no point did anyone at the store mention 10 days so were does he stand with this? he is livid about it and feels like walking in the store and taking stock to the value of, but knows this is not the right way to go about it.
sorry for the long winded post guys