Well, I've had it a month so I thought I'd better wash it for the first time and give you all my thoughts. I won't bother with a link in reader's wives because it's not a VAG and I guess not that many will be interested in seeing nothing happen, other than me driving it!
It replaced this, a very well sorted 135i coupe.

In short:
Despite only having a bit (306hp/300tq v 320hp/332tq) more than the old one, it's significantly faster. Some down to it being 80kgs lighter, some down to the fact they're RRing around the 340hp/360tq straight out of the factory* When it gives you full access to every last horse in 3rd, you damn well know it.
*Source SportAuto mag using the VLN control dyno at the Ring.
Despite my old one having a lot of M3/Bilstein bits, this handles much better. It has mind boggling grip and turn in, absolutely zero understeer and adding more throttle mid corner does exactly what it should.
It's snowed. I haven't rolled into a ditch on fire. The Eco mode is perfect for applying that much power in the snow and I've been tootling around the ungritted country lanes with no problems at all.
It rides better. It's better on fuel, averaging 370-380 miles per 50lts. It's equipped better. It's, well, just better!
One thing it isn't better at is looks. I've grown to like it, I can't say I'll ever love it, but it is at least brave - not your typical cookie-cutter boring blob.
How it looks on its normal wheels.

Winter steels at the mo.

Nice cabin

Room in the back, even with a 6footer at the wheel

Decend sized boot too