You can have another ride in the car Robin, no problems.
To S08: you MUST visit your local tuners and hear the different exhausts in person, both from outside the car and inside. Sound is a very individual taste, and only you can decide which is best. In terms of performance they all give roughly the same power increases, in my opinion for road use it is only the sound and look of the tailpipe that should affect your decision!
S08, where are you based? If you are in Hampshire/Berkshire/Surrey area then we can arrange for you to hear mine if you wish.
I almost get the feeling that people on the VAG forums automatically jump into buying a Milltek. No doubt that they are a good product and have a good reputation with VAG cars, but it almost seems to me that people just jump on the bandwagon without fully considering the alternatives.
When I first came onto the forums, absolutely everyone had a Milltek, and it kind of made me think that it was the right choice to go for, but I'm so happy that I researched the alternatives **(Cue for a Top Cat comment here)**, so that I was able to make an informed decision. I was really happy when Blueflame came along on this forum and offered their system at a good price, its good to see some variation.
Listen to them all, and make a decision based upon that....thats the best advice that I can give!